Dream about boa constrictors

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Dream about boa constrictors

Post by Alabaster »

I had a very disturbing dream and I need help in understanding what it means.

I dreamt that I was riding in a car with my dad through a countryside and we were happy. It was a sunny beautiful day. We drove by this forest, then we looked out the window on his side and see a huge boa constrictor snake. It was in a beautiful green meadow lying at the very edge of the tree line of this forest. I had never seen anything like that and it was so big and we both were like let’s get out of here. Then my dad stops and I look up the road and there are boa constrictors in trees covering the road and in the road. It was like it was a tunnel of them in all sizes, from baby ones to large ones just squirming all over the place. I got scared and yelled out let’s back up and go the other way, we can’t go through there and my dad looked back and said that we can’t go back because we’ll get hurt that way too, we have to go through there. I looked at him and he was very calm, so I said ok. He took off and I closed my eyes and said Jesus out loud over and over and over just totally focusing on Jesus’ name. Then after a while I opened my eyes and it was beautiful again and I saw that we had gotten through the tunnel of snakes unharmed and I was so excited. I told my dad we made it and he was smiling and he told me that we had actually went through it really quickly and it was over while I was still calling Jesus’ name. I felt relieved then I woke up.

This dream was very vivid and kind of self explanatory, but I would really like some prayerful insight about this because what really stood out was the fact that they all were boa constrictor snakes. Do boa constrictor snakes represent something other than constricting? Thanks in advance for any help and advice. God bless!
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Post by Evangelist_Myrick »

They actually do. The snakes constrciting means that they squeeze life out of you both spiritually and naturally. I pray that the three fold cord that is not easily broken be camped around you and your Father in the name of Jesus. The weapons that have been formed against you will not propser I decree and declare it to be so. I take Apostolic authority right now in the name of Jesus and every situation that is going on in your life righht now lines up to the will of God in Jesus name. I smite any and eveything around you that had exhorted itself aginst the knowledge of God and send every assignment back to the sender a hundred fold. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. BRUSIE his HEAD WITH THE WORD OF GOD! I don't know if you have been struggling with your walk with God or not. There may be some areas that have been lying dormant that He has not called to be that way. Stir up those gifts and move in your rightful place. Are you a intercessor?
Let every decision made this season be a God decision!!!

Post by Joy2dream »


I think some things to hold on to in this dream are; WHO is driving-Father God; Don't go backwards; You make it through and it will go by fast.

Bless you much,
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Post by Alabaster »

Hi Evangelist_Myrick and Joy2dream! Thanks so much for the insight!

I had been struggling with some issues at work with a co-worker, which really is my supervisor, for the last 3 years that had really put my faith in God to the test, for real! I’d even been hurt physically on the job and ended up needing back surgery, and he did not help me, but laughed about it. I’ve reported him and was told that they believed me, but nothing happened because he is very popular. Well, I did lay it all to rest finally after the dream I had about my grandmother and I actually had peace about it inside and was happy! But he has gotten even meaner since and in my spirit I just sense that something is just not right anymore and I told my husband that I’ve decided to move on and get out of there, but part of me is still wrestling about it because of jobs are scarce and part of me is scared of the unknown. And you know, this didn’t come to me until AFTER I read both of your replies and I was praying asking God what do I have to watch out for!

Evangelist_Myrick, when I read your reply it just snapped and I realized that it is affecting my walk because I am tired of going through this and I have been dwelling on this more than I should! I haven’t thought of myself as an intercessor, but I have always prayed for others a lot because it’s like when they hurt, I hurt, and it’s just what believers do for one another, so I guess yes I have slacked off because I’ve been stressing. Thank you so much for your prayer because I really need it now! God bless you!!! I took some time off though this week and I’m feeling better, and have been catching up with some reading on the board, and the post about the wake up call was a blessing and a wake up call for me. God bless the poster of that!

Joy2dream thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It’s hard to walk away from something that is familiar and I’m sorry for having a weak moment in my faith “for we walk by faith and not by sight”. I will hold on to God and not go backwards. Thank you Joy for your encouragement, I really needed that!!! God bless you too!!!!!!!
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Post by jenny »

boa constrictors can indicate witchcraft coming against you. The key of course as you say is that your father is driving and you just need to stand against the attack and he will get you through it. I think the dream is a warning for you to be aware of what is happening around you.
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Post by Alabaster »

Thanks Jenny for your post! I'm continuing to pray and trust God! God bless you!