Black Jacket Pooped Upon

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Black Jacket Pooped Upon

Post by zadokpriest »

Ok - this is very short and odd.

I was walking down the street and I found my favority black blazer jacket (I wear this jacket with my suites not fancy - just a plain black jacket).

It was on the ground in dog urine and poop. :shock: I was soo shocked and even appaulled!!

I picked the jacket up try to shake some of the poop off, knowing that I would have to take it to the cleaners.

A young minster friend of mine (one that God allowed me to mentor) was standing with me and I was asking him if he could help me try to remove the poop from the jacket - both of us knowing that it would have to go to the cleaners afterwards.

End of Dream.

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Post by Meekone »

It sounds to me that someone has defiled you.
You say it was dog poop and urine and that seems to me to be from someone who is being motivated by the demonic.
You put your jacket on your back so someone may be defiling you with word curses behind your back.
Your young minister freind is someone you need to pray with you to cut off any word curses and defilement with spiritual warfare.
Plead the blood of Christ and bless all your enemies.

If this does not witness to your spirit ......disregard.
God Bless You :D
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Post by zadokpriest »

You have hit the proverbal nail on the head.

thank you - I wasn't sure exactly what this ment and was really looking for an answer and that is unfortunately exactly what is happening.

Zadok :D
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Post by Meekone »

You are very welcome.
I am praying for you as well.
God Bless you in Jesus name.