The Waiting Alligator

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The Waiting Alligator

Post by Michael »

jan 1 /09...

I'm hanging from a tree branch over a small body of water, a pond
of some sort. I have no idea how I got here, how to escape, or even how long I've been hanging on, I only know I'm exhausted and am about to loose my grip. Below, there is a very large alligator waiting, he's no longer lying patiently but thrashing about in excited anticipation. Even leaping upwards trying to snatch me from the branch. I have the distinct feeling this is not going to be an act of nature for the gator... this is personal, he's anxious and I'm slipping.

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Post by naveah »

Warfare dream

Pray about whatever you feel like you are loosing yourgrip on and they want to eat you alive

God says I am always on time and prayer changes things
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by j4him77 »

Hi Michael!

I agree this is a warfare type dream, however I feel it closely reveals where you're at on an issue in your life. You've gone 'out on a limb' and you're stuggling in the flesh to hang on to it and have been fighting a long time.

Alligators represent the following:

bossy spirit
great influencer - talker
large mouth - big tail (attacks with the mouth and defends with a tale)

Perhaps this is in regards to a particular person you've been struggling with that his or her personality fits this sort of description? You might feel this kind of person could 'eat you alive' knowing you would fail at something. This is also an easy way of assuming its the enemy (it really is anyway) and he's waiting for you to slip off.

So just pray about this one and ask the Father to reveal who or what this means by showing you in what area you have put yourself in a position of getting attacked or attracting the enemy and to reveal the plan for getting out of that situation and how to pray about it.

He will show you! He is FAITHFUL!!



Post by Joy2dream »

Isaiah 11:1-3 (King James Version)

Isaiah 11
1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

2And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

Are you holding on to the branch that came from Jesse, that is Jesus Christ?

Alligators can sometimes, but not all times represent ancient evil spirits. This one would like to eat you for your name alone, I'm sure the name Micheal stirs up havoc in the demon spirit. I am seeing this alligator as something that has been coming against you and maybe your family for a while yet. Keep holding on for Jesus has not forsaken you. Climb back up in that tree and hug on it a while.

Always pray over an interp, especially mine.

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Post by Michael »

"I am seeing this alligator as something that has been coming
against you and maybe your family for a while yet."

"I feel it closely reveals where you're at on an issue in your life.
You've gone 'out on a limb'
and you're stuggling in the flesh to hang
on to it and have been fighting a long time"
"bossy spirit.. great influencer- talker.. large mouth - big tail"
(attacks with the mouth and defends with a tale)

" Pray about whatever you feel like you are loosing your grip on.."

You have spoken with accuracy inthe authority and clarity of the Holy Spirit...

"your family" consists of my 10 year old son and myself.
Started in '97, has intensified since June '06 and continues to
be a drain and a pain, this battle is in fact spiritual, but has spilled into the natural
(if that makes sinse)with devastating effects that make me want to let go sometimes...

Don't mean to vent... just gotta exhale from time to time.

Peace & Blessings To You

Post by Joy2dream »

Father God In Jesus Name I lift up Michael and his son to you. Lord Jesus you know what this situation is and You have all the answers Michael will ever need. I ask that you empower Michael with the Holy Ghost and that he gain wisdom and understanding in matters of the Spirit. I pray that ever need will be met and that all things that were stolen will be back 7 times more in Jesus Name. I pray blessings to rain upon your head Michael and son.
