In Church Prisoners Coming Popular Band

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In Church Prisoners Coming Popular Band

Post by Truth Seeker »

The dream started with me being in a church, a popular band was going to be playing dont know there name. They had on all blue, they were up front getting ready, I remember seeing the them and the instruments.

Prisoners started coming in the church, they were escorded by guards, these were prisoners from different institutions.

Some were in contained to what seemed to be like a boxing ring. As I was looking at them one tried me for lack of better words. I ended up choking him, and saying to him with everything within me that I was a minister of Jesus Christ (not a minister IRL). As I was saying that it was a message for everyone who was thinking about harming me.

The scene changed somewhat, I remember running through a hall door (things had got crazy and out of control) I heard a female saying help or stop something like that.

I ended up outside which seemed like a campus, it was dark outside and there were groups bad guys everywhere.

One group approached me and I asked them what they wanted and they grabbed my hands, they looked at the ring on my right hand IRL I usually wear a gold ring with a cross on it, they saw that then looked on my left and and saw my wedding ring, so I gave it to them. As they were walking away I asked them all the question, do you know Jesus Christ, they just kind of smiled. One of them looked me straight in the eyes and I said you then the scene changed.

I was running down the street and a car with two men in it that pulled up beside me and the car rubbed up against my arm and the skin on my arm started deteriorating to the point I could see my flesh and bone (like something chemical got on my arm). I started holding my arm sreeming JESUS, JESUS as loud as I could then my arm started getting better, the skin was coming back.

The last scene was crazy, I saw a couple of men they were hugh like they lifted weights and one of them looked like his arm was ripped off and the other man had it in his hand, I looked at the man with the arm in his hand and he attached the arm back to the other persons body.

I have some thoughts about this dream want to hear from you'll before I post mine.
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One pattern I see in this dream is that in each scene I'm attacked in some way and I'm confessing Jesus Christ in all the scenes.
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Post by naveah »

this may be way out there but these are my thoughts

anointed worship service brings in revelation.

The people captive and in bondage come, You can discern the spirits they are bond with it may be some what overwhelming at first but Jesus is the answer
the giving up of your wedding ring signifies to me a breaking of a covenent or promise but Jesus still showed up
He restores the gift of Healing, Deliverance and restores what ever the arm means to you

just thoughts
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by Truth Seeker »

Naveah, thanks for seeing about me
anointed worship service brings in revelation.
in the dream the worship service didn’t start yet can you go into anymore detail on what you see concerning this part?
The people captive and in bondage come, You can discern the spirits they are bond with it may be somewhat overwhelming at first but Jesus is the answer
This is a good observation about the prisoners; the prisoners could represent the next harvest coming in. These people could be fresh out of prison IRL or just in bondage in their daily life and Gods drawing them to the church.
I wonder if this is Gods way of showing me things in the spirit, I have been praying to Him asking Him to open my eyes and ears in the spirit.
I think it would be good for me to begin focusing my study and intercession on being in bondage and becoming free. I’ve had a couple of others dreams within the last week dealing with some type of bondage.
the giving up of your wedding ring signifies to me a breaking of a covenent or promise but Jesus still showed up
This part of the dream to me is an attack on my marriage, marriages in general or even the relationship of the church and Christ. In the dream it was easy to give up the ring and it was kind of a relief.
He restores the gift of Healing, Deliverance and restores what ever the arm means to you
The arm part was odd to me, not sure how the arm relates to me in any way.
There were 2 different scenes involving an arm.
One dealt with my arm getting some type of chemical on it that caused my skin and flesh to deteriorate (could mean chemical attack ?)
and the other scene dealt with 2 other people who were a little larger than normal and were under demonic influence. They both were in a shed beside each other similar to where an animal would go.
The arm was missing on one man and other had the arm and as I was looking at them observing, the one man just put the arm back on the other.
It was somewhat weird to say the lease.
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Re: In Church Prisoners Coming Popular Band

Post by NOTW »

Truth Seeker wrote: Prisoners started coming in the church, they were escorded by guards, these were prisoners from different institutions.

Some were in contained to what seemed to be like a boxing ring. As I was looking at them one tried me for lack of better words. I ended up choking him, and saying to him with everything within me that I was a minister of Jesus Christ (not a minister IRL). As I was saying that it was a message for everyone who was thinking about harming me.
Okay, I see a two-fold picture here...First, what I see here is prisoners - those who are in bondage to sin and even demonic oppression/possession. I see the choking as a picture of deliverance ministry.
Also, the person who "tried" you could be those among the church who are in sin and have no fear of the Lord. I think of when Paul adressed the Corinthians and he tells them...

1Cr 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
1Cr 5:8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened [bread] of sincerity and truth.

These verses tell of sin that is in the church.
One group approached me and I asked them what they wanted and they grabbed my hands, they looked at the ring on my right hand IRL I usually wear a gold ring with a cross on it, they saw that then looked on my left and and saw my wedding ring, so I gave it to them. As they were walking away I asked them all the question, do you know Jesus Christ, they just kind of smiled. One of them looked me straight in the eyes and I said you then the scene changed.
This part of the dream to me is an attack on my marriage, marriages in general or even the relationship of the church and Christ. In the dream it was easy to give up the ring and it was kind of a relief.
Were you forced to give them the ring? I'm not sure about this b/c of your second answer but... I'm seeing giving them your wedding ring as engaging them for a committment such as praying for them. Since people have free choice, they have to accept prayer/deliverance. You can't cast out devils if that person is giving them authority to be there. When you look into that person's eyes then you see that there is something operating behind the physical. They are in need of deliverance.
I was running down the street and a car with two men in it that pulled up beside me and the car rubbed up against my arm and the skin on my arm started deteriorating to the point I could see my flesh and bone (like something chemical got on my arm). I started holding my arm sreeming JESUS, JESUS as loud as I could then my arm started getting better, the skin was coming back.

The last scene was crazy, I saw a couple of men they were hugh like they lifted weights and one of them looked like his arm was ripped off and the other man had it in his hand, I looked at the man with the arm in his hand and he attached the arm back to the other persons body.
These two scenes seem related b/c in both instances the arm was hurt then repaired. I'm not sure exactly what it means but this verse came to mind...
Isa 59:1 Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.

So, overall I see deliverance all over this dream. Please pray and let the Lord lead...
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by Truth Seeker »

Neveah and NOTW,

you'll are really being a blessing unto me; you'll have help open my spirit to what God could be saying to me.

Between the 3 of us, we all see bondage and deliverance so the theme of this dream I would say is bondage and deliverance.

There was a level of fear that was trying to attach itself to me during each part of the dream when dealing with these situations so what I see is that in order for Jesus to use us as a vessel to help deliver people from bondage we must confront or overcome the spirit of fear within ourselves.

I'll keep seeking God on this and study his word concerning bondage and deliverance.

Thanks again to both of you'll this dream is starting to make some since in the natural
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I was running down the street and a car with two men in it that pulled up beside me and the car rubbed up against my arm and the skin on my arm started deteriorating to the point I could see my flesh and bone (like something chemical got on my arm). I started holding my arm sreeming JESUS, JESUS as loud as I could then my arm started getting better, the skin was coming back.
The last scene was crazy, I saw a couple of men they were hugh like they lifted weights and one of them looked like his arm was ripped off and the other man had it in his hand, I looked at the man with the arm in his hand and he attached the arm back to the other persons body.
I wonder if these 2 parts of the dream could be God showing me that someones arm is going to be healed and or someone getting a new arm.

I know some people who operate in the healing ministry may feel pain in a certain area and they now God is trying to heal someone in that area of their body.

Any thoughts???????
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Post by NOTW »

It could be but I guess it would be a wait and see unless God gives more revelation on it.
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by Truth Seeker »


You're right, this is one of situations where I'm going to have to ride it out and see how it unfolds.

Thanks for your insight
Truth Seeker