dream my friend had

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dream my friend had

Post by Renewed »

Good Evening everyone
A dear friend of mines had this dream on 3/24/09. She gave me permission to post it. She's seeking some answers as to what this dream means.

Okay. I am going to tell you my dream last night… I will try and stay in order:

I was at my mother’s house and the dining room looked like it did when my grandmother was alive.. heavy drapes on the windows and dining room table in the middle of room… but the floor didn’t have carpet like now that my mother is just there….. and there was a couch in front of the windows as it is now….

We were getting ready to go some place she and I and Esther was laying on the couch in front of the window…. When I went over to Esther there was a group of men in a huddle in the alley plotting something against someone…. One man pulled a gun out but it was broken or the chamber was empty because the barrel was hanging out… another man pulled out a gun and his looked the same, yet I seemed to be the only was seeing the guns were broken…. Another man saw me in the window and walked into my mother’s yard…. When I mentioned the guns my mother dropped to the floor and I refused to drop to the floor because I remembered Esther was on the couch…

At this time when I looked up the curtains were half drawn instead of wide open…. When I went to close the curtains and stuck my hand out Mr. buster… the man who saw me in the window grabbed my hand was suddenly in the dining room… standing there with his hand on his waist… (an intimidating stand) my mother told him we were getting dressed and she was still on the floor, bowing like, with her undergarments on, this chick undressed…. I stood there looking at him, nervous, fearful at first and then laughing, I told him I need to finish getting ready… I had on clothes… but I was concerned for Esther…. Then I asked him why is he in this house and he needs to get out…Mr. buster was/is a neighbor of my grandparents, very old man now, never bothered anybody, gay….. Anyhoo… he finally left and I locked all the doors…. He didn’t do anything but stand there trying to intimidate me…

Next I went to a doctor’s appointment and the woman at the desk before me looked sane, but she was crazy… the Lord told me to look at her very good… at first I only saw her underwear…. Then as I looked I saw she had on a formal black blouse with diamond glitter in the front but the back was very thin straps going across… so you would miss that she had on a shirt if you didn’t look carefully…. As I began to look around everybody in there was crazy…. I was in a nut house…. I asked the man behind the desk if I was in the right place, because I made an appointment but I think I scheduled it for the wrong office… and he showed me my name on the computer and told me I was in the right place it just looked like that….. if I waited a moment he would help me…. And I looked at him and the woman and he assured me it wasn’t a mistake and don’t go by what I see so I sat back down still looking around and hesitant….. I don’t know if I left or that’s when I woke-up… I remember thinking to myself… these people are trying to say I’m crazy…. Yet questioning why or how I made an appointment for that office…
Life without God is like a unsharpened pencil. It has no point.