
Archives for 2009
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Post by yesLord »

I had an interesting dream the other night.

Oprah was telling people they should go to listen to a man who was speaking , that it was a good talk.
So I went out of curiosity to a large auditorium to listen and find out what it was all about.
As we were sitting it came to my knowledge that speaker was Satan. They said they were going to reveal what he looks like. At this point i thought wow it is going to freak people out his face going to be frightening. I started to get a little fearful.
Then a picture of a man started to show on a screen, and he was very handsome and respectable looking.
He started talking about things going on in the world, saying he wasn't to blame for all the problems. A very believable good speaker. Explaining everything away.
Then he asked if anyone wanted to donate money for his cause and join him.
People were all raising their hands eager to donate. I noticed they were mostly young people.
At that point I stood up and yelled very loudly,"NO!!!! DON"T DO IT".Everyone looked at me as if to say, "What is your problem lady".
Satan was glaring at me also.
There was some words said to me afterwards but I don't remember them. As usual I forgot to write it down.

That is it I felt it a warning of sorts, to pray for the deceived for Satan is a deceiver and liar,and our young generation are being pulled into it.
If anyone gets something else from this please reply.
Jesus peace,
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Post by yesLord »

Any thoughts?
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

This dream reminds me of the deception of the last days... I cant explain without the proper scriptures with me so give me a day or two..I have something that may make some sense...