White Dove...

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White Dove...

Post by Roxy »

Since the begining of December I have a few visions which I never posted as of yet:

In the spirit I heard a man's voice saying real low: "Usually it's clean...BUT THIS IS REALLY CLEAN!!!" A little later I saw me shopping w/cart, I had in it a whole bunch of shirts. All different colors but the brown one seemed to stand out, it was long sleeved.
Then I saw my daughter she had a whole stack of shirts as well, which she put in my cart as well. The blue one was on top. There was someone else with her...spirit???

Next I was in a building w 3/rooms. The first one I was in kind of felt gloomy. I sensed that this was where I was going to stay??? It had only one table. I decided I didn't like it so I went into the next room It had three tables scattered thru out the room. I decided this is my room! It had a huge window. As I gazed out the window...it was as if I was looking into another world! The window became oval shaped & kind of hazy (moving around the edges). I could see a street. Then across the street I saw a grey building. Next to the grey building was a red building. Behind both buildings I could see calm water.

I had 3-4 visions one right after the other! !st: I saw a wedding invititation. I could see writting on the envelope, but for some reason don't remember what was on the envelope! The envelope had fancy ties wrapped around the envelope. A dove flew out of the envelope. Next vision was of a dinner menu: : words were in black. Paper looked "OLD" Fine paper, kind of yellowish. Can't remember what was on the menu. Next vision I saw a new born baby's hand grab the envelope! The baby had on white...I could only see hand & part of arm..

I saw olive leaves in a complete cirlce...something was on the otherside of the olive leaves. Slightly moving.

Sweet Perfume

Post by Sweet Perfume »

Hi Roxy:

There are a lot of symbols in this dream to deal with. The only thing that struck me was in regard to the tables and menu. I wonder if you are struggling with your diet. In the one room where you thought you were going to stay, there was only one table and you felt gloomy. You decided that you didn't like this room and to stay in the room with three tables instead. Maybe in real life, you want to eat less calories represented by one table but you tend to eat more or three tables worth of food or three times more than you want to for your idea weight. In the room with more tables, you said the window became oval shaped. Are you feeling a bit oval shaped? Do you feel like your body shape is moving around the edges? Things were hazy. The building outside was grey and not definite like black and white. Red can be the colour of anger. Maybe these buildings represent your feelings about your lack of will power and anger towards yourself for lack of discipline. Calm waters could represent that you are at least calmer eating more and less stressed then when you are dieting.

Then the dove (representing the Holy Spirit) comes out of the message holder, an envelope, and the message is an invitation to be wed, ( a wedding invitation) or to be tied to or wrapped around Him.

Then, the dream comes back to a dinner menu. It's written in black which is definite because black and white are definite and clearly defined. The baby is in white. Your dinner menu is definite (the foods you are eating now) and it's old and yellow. The wedding invitation is to start a new and fresh (represented by the baby) with your diet and put it in the Holy Spirit's hands.

The circle of olive leaves could represent wholeness and completeness. The olive leaf is a symbol of reconciliation and growth. It can even represent the promise of God made to Noah and the whole world. The dove returned with the olive branch symbolizing that it was time to come out of the ark. We can offer another person an olive branch to heal a relationship. You make the first step. I think the dream means the Holy Spirit wants to help you with your diet. That's my best guess.

If you aren't struggling with your weight, then maybe it could be referring to your spiritual diet if it's not your physical diet and that would be a completely different interpretation.
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Re: White Dove

Post by Roxy »

Sweet Perfume,

Interesting how you see things almost completely opposite then I do. First of all there is no struggles with my diet. Tables can also mean Alter. Water is of the Holy Spirit. Red the blood of Jesus. Eating or calories has nothing to do with any of these visions. Sorry, but none of this bears witness with me.
Thanks for trying tho.

Sweet Perfume

Post by Sweet Perfume »

Hi Roxy:

It was just a suggestion so I'm not offended if it differs from what you think some of the symbols mean. Obviously, a dream symbol can have many different interpretations and these differ with each individual.

I like to establish the personal meaning that each one has for me in advance of having dreams. For example, a white cotton ball represents a 'yes' for me. If I see cotton balls and I'm seeking guidance on a particular subject, then I believe that my answer is 'yes.' Also, check marks like a teacher gives in school represents a yes for me. On the other hand, a cotton ball with a big X through it would mean 'no.' If I see a pie chart, this is a time frame for me. I ask God for a complete pie for every year. Ten pies would represent ten years. A half a pie represents a half a year. If you have and can develop definite meanings to symbols in your dreams and then tell God what they mean to you personally, then the interpretation will probably get easier as you establish more meanings for symbols over the years. You already have some established meanings for some of your dream symbols. Eventually, when you get enough of them established, it will be easier for God to communicate with you through dreams. I fully realize that cotton balls and pie charts probably wouldn't mean the same thing for other people. We each need to find our own way on this. However, hearing what other people's dream symbols are can help us develop our own. Maybe now someone will read my dream symbols and they will have dreams with cotton balls and check marks and pie charts and these will become meaningful symbols for them too...or not. It's an individual thing.

Post by talitha »

Very good point, Sweet Perfume! :)
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Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:24 am

White Dove...

Post by Roxy »

Sweet Perfume,

Sounds like you have a good system going! Thanks for the tips,

I am sure I can learn from it as well.

The Good Lord has been showing me alot of Olive leaves &

branches lately. One of the reply's to my other vision was that

an olive tree is also indicative to the Jews...

Sweet Perfume

Post by Sweet Perfume »

Thank you Talitha.

Roxy: That's a good one because the bible shows us that God has grafted Christians into to the original olive tree (the Jews.) In this case, I have assigned olives, olive branches and olive leaves several meanings because the bible uses them to represent several different things. Noah sent a dove out and it came back with an olive branch, the olive tree that withered and died, the one that didn't bear fruit and then was given more time to be fertilized to see if it would improve and then all the references to Christians being the olive branch that was grafted into the olive tree. Also, olives could represent spiritual fruit or maybe if you dream about them, you need to eat them for your health. And even the phrase, "offer them an olive branch,' or make peace with them could be another meaning. I like to look at the dream(s) as a whole to see if there are common themes that give a clue to the true meaning of the whole.