a negelected men's building is given to women

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a negelected men's building is given to women

Post by t_vest »

I dreamed this the other day and while I reading a message on here called "Women Arise" It hit me very hard , I had forgotten about it.

I dreamed that I was in a huge old building, it was an old lodge or club for men, it was very negelcted and run down, The owner decided to take it away from the men and give it to the women, because it was in very poor shape. My father in law and some members of my family were in like a rec. room.
I was in the bathroom, The walls were plaster that had been
painted with a mural that did not make any sense. but it was flags
of America and red white and blue. The red was almost pink the blue had also faded and the white was almost a cream color.

I was using the bathroom and thinking about our "orders"
we (the women) were to fix it up any way we wanted and we could have it. I was thinking how beautiful it could be and how
nice tile would look. I was wondering if I could afford it.

I walked out of the batroom and looked at the door, the old plaque said "Men" but there was a new sign to the left and a little higer
that said women.

I went outside and there were a lot of women there Standing
next to a table , My mother in law was at that table and she
was taking up lists of what we wanted to do to get the
building running again, T his is when that I found out that
the owner of the building was funding the renevation.

At first I kind of took this dream like a submissive issue. I do think
this topic is taought wrong most of the time. but we can be wrong cant we. Most churches I have been in have a vast majority of women. I have even told my husband when he doesn't do his job
(spirtiual) it falls to me.
PLEASE don't get me wrong there are tons of men that do God's
work and are very faithful and we need every one of them.
Am I correct on this way of tinking, Any ideas about the meaning of this dream.
Thanks Talitha for posting the question it jogged my memory.

Thanks guys

Post by kimibrew »

Wow! I love your dream. Don't know in particulars but it sure seems like the Owner (Heavenly Father) is ready to fund our renovation.

I feel as you that there are many godly men around. I think maybe Jesus is just encouraging women to take their rightfull position in His Kingdom. I just had a thought...men can only express His nature as men, so that leaves the other fifty percent undone until women arise and express His nature as only a women can do. That didn't make too much sense. Oh well, very exciting times, huh?!


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Post by Blessings »

The Lord has been speaking to me a lot about women's role. One thing I am stewing about is do I have the ability (can I afford it?) But the Lord is telling me that He has the ability (He's paying for it) 'm trying to wrap my mind around all this. Are we women up to the challenge??? He's going to do it through us. What he has planned will not be stopped by our finite minds.

Post by jewel »


I was struck by your dream in light of a couple of things I've been pondering on... this might not help much as far as an interp but I do feel lead to share my thoughts anyway. Feel free to discard if your heart doesn't feel pulled to consider these points.

First of all, women have for a long time been sort of looked at as being weaker... or more vunerable... or even somehow lower than men. This problem has caused the feminist movement, where women went out proving to themselves and the world they could do anything men could do and more. It wasn't all bad, but maybe somehow got a little mixed up... women have a different role than men do, it just isn't any LESS than. That less than attitude has caused things like domestic violence and some long standing mistreatment.

Then if one was to consider in general (of course) the major difference between women and men, it would be the ability to bear children and a basic appitude for decision making with consideration for more of an emotional understanding behind them. Other than that, there are not many things that make women all that different than men. However, bearing in mind that consideration it is quite clear to most that right now the world is longing for something.... the basic agreement seems to be that the world is longing to be loved for who they are and encouraged to be who they are from the inside with the freedom to stop hiding from one another. Many of the problems we see today are by products of a general feeling of negect that we are all desperately trying to get away from.

The only completely fufilling answer to that basic need within each of us is the Love that God can fill our hearts with.... that message needs to get out, and will bring in a great harvest. The message is simple; that God is love. So, if women carry a greater tendancy to move emotionally (love is a pretty srong emotion).... it does make sense that they would carry the front lines on this type of move. It doesn't mean men are less.... just wired a little differently than women are.

Anyhoot, those are my thoughts.... hope it gave you some good fruit to chew on and grow in your own thinking with. If it has not helped you at all, it is honestly okay with me for you to just discard what I've said.

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Post by t_vest »

Hey I think each of you have some very valid points , kimibrew I love what you said about men being half and women being half. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! i feel that is so true. I wish some people could see it. It makes so much sense to me, I think you hit the bulls eye on this one.

Blessings , I will pray for you that you will step into God's glory and he will do great things in your life. I know how hard it is to trust him sometimes but he had already put your "finances in the bank"
make a with drawl sweat heart lol.

Jewel, I loved a lot of your points. Women have been oppressed for
years and some people use some verses to justify the mistreatment of women. I have always had a problem with this way of thinking.

To my father we were just girls, not human just girls, To our church
we were something that had to wear dresses in freezing cold weather and no makeup or jewerly and was to be dominated by men. This always made me feel women were nothing and that all women could do was have and watch children. I even felt like God was into this and I did not understand. But I truly believe that women will play a major role in the end times harvest, Maybe he
was just saving us until the end. Such a shame though, how many women had the anoiting placed upom their lives and was never allowed to walk into that, I think that women are so much stronger
than most people think, I know that men are supposed to
be the foundation of the home, but I feel like the women generally
are because most not all are the caretakers, cooking , cleaning etc.
Most of the time people want their Mom when things go wrong.
Man or women or child or teenager we are all wanted by God and we all have a special place in him, I think the devil has tried to separate men and women so our power won't be as effective.

Thanks for all your answers, don't feel like you were not able to
say exactly all of what the dream means, but I love the replys
just for the fact that it was all so true , If only one profits with this
dream it will be so worth it.

Peace, my sisters may God's wonderful love fill your soul

" Arise and do my work, step into your rightful place in me, Keep into my steps , let me guide you into the place of my own,
Heed my words and through you I will do amazing things in your lives.
Love each other and be a strong support in me. Let me show you
the meanings of my ways and the glory of my hand, Search my face
and I will show you wonders"

This just hit me , had to share Love in Christ tv