Girl urinating on my sheets

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Girl urinating on my sheets

Post by lynnjl83 »

I had a really confusing dream last night. It changes scenes frequently, but these are the only parts I remember.

1st scene:
I was in a house with a group of girls, and there was a young, lesbian couple. We were all sitting around talking the couple's relationship. The couple got up and left to go have sex in the basement away from us. ( sorry if this is inappropriate.) :oops: We all try to ignore them, but after awhile I couldn't. I went to the basement, and I saw one of the girls had left but the other girl was lying on the floor with only her top covered.

2nd scene:
I was still in the house, and there was a girl that was sleeping on my bed. Then the girl urinated while she was sleeping on my sheets. She woke up and got up. I then put my sheets in the washer to get them clean.
Everybody in the house was then packing to go. My parents were there and they were washing clothes in another washer.

3rd scene:
I was sitting in a big circle with people from my church and my parents. We were dressed nice because we were about to leave the house. Then this guy I know came and sat down by me. He was saying some things to me that was making me blush. I was thinking now everyone will know how i feel about him.

Any insights?
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Happy Resurrection!

Post by Janice »

Lynn, this is a perfect example of the Holy Spirit doing a cleansing within His children. Going to the basement is to burry the flesh. The Spirit was calling you to have a "death to self" experience in order to bring new life to you. After death, come the resurrection.

Uncovering is to expose ones sinful templates... not to bring shame but to bring conviction. Once and for all the Holy Spirit wants to take away your fleshly deeds; and give you an abundant life in Jesus. But this requires us to crucify the flesh through the washing of His word, fasting and prayr. The Father has painted a pic for you to see. He wants you to rest in His presence so He can speak things into your life. He also wants you to know that what He did for you in the finished work of the cross... no man can add to it.
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."

Post by Joy2dream »

I somewhat agree with Janice. I think this is a cleansing dream but probably not from your sin or thoughts but most likely cleaning up the yuck that comes on us when we have been in contact with someone or something that is sinful or in sin. I see the girl urinating on you bed as the sin making a deposit in this dream, you in turn wash the sheets or making the sin yuck leave by your works of hand, like in getting rid of a thought. Same thing with the parents washing your clothes. The last scene is one that is more like you in real life, you would be embarassed for anyone to know you had feelings for this guy.

Really think you have come in contact with some sexually perverted people. Could be anywhere, supermarket, mall, ect. The Lord is washing off any yucky residue left from that brief encounter. Actually not a bad dream at all. God is Good!

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Post by lynnjl83 »

Thank you both for the insights.

Everything you said was right on. I come in contact with sexually perverted people all the time because of my job and pretty much just living life. To be honest, I have dealt with lust and when that girl urinated on my sheets and I immediately washed them, confirms some things in me that is letting me know that I'm free from it by the grace of God. Halleujah!!!

I really thank the Lord for washing me of the residue left behind by these encounters with people. I pray that these people are freed from perversion!
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is soooooo Good!!!!!!!!!!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.