white van

Archives for 2007

white van

Post by Sunhelm »

I was in my white van, driving along a 2 track road in the woods.......I had a previous dream in which i had come through a period of temptation. In this dream, I was driving and was afraid the trees were going to hit my head. I kept covering my head to ward off blows from the trees...but as i was in the van, enclosed.....none of the branches seemed to hit my head. I am thinking that after getting past the period of temptation, of the flesh......that the second phase of the dream, being in the white van meant i was back where I should be.....but i was now being attacked in my mind? Does anyone have any idea's? The next phase of the dream showed me being lifted up, and recieving my hearts desire....a family.
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Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:51 am
Location: S.W. FL.


Post by Janice »

Sunhelm, I really have to agree with you on this one.... It could have to do with being under a Church covering period. When we to walk out our life in our own strength, we can fail. I would allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in all that you do; and not try to get ahead of what He is doing in your life. Rest in His presence and He will open the doors that you are to walk through. But be sure to allow the Holy Spirit to walk through those doors first. Salvation is a one way road.... Keep on the right path. You'll do just fine. :}

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.(KJV)
.....Family and such...
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."