The Brothel

Archives for 2007
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The Brothel

Post by Released »

Hi all,

I was in a bar that was attached to a brothel. I had been brought here by a group of people. We were there for a while but they all eventually left. So I was left in the brothel.

I saw the Brothel owner come out and check every now and then if there were customers. He would appear then go back into the back of the brothel.

There was a prostitiute sat on a lounge. She was dressed in beautiful clothes and had dark red hair.

She was young and she began to tell me here story of why she was a prostitute, that she had felt she had no choice. I wept as she told me as I felt such compassion for her. She then hugged me as she was shocked that I wept for her. I felt a connection with her.

As we were talking a client came in. He was tall and wore a white suit and carried 2 small suitcases- one was a pale yellow colour.

I knew she had to take this man into the back room (as her client) and I really wanted to talk more but I didn't want to get thown out for stopping her from "working".

In the dream I knew that she would have to see what was in the suitcases. as part of her role.

I planned to come back and talk to her. I left and looked behind me to remember the building so I could come back.

then I set off walking across the city.


Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
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Post by Blessings »

Wow, that dream gives me the goosebumps. I have no interpretation but I really sensed the compassion of Jesus on this woman and who she represents. If the meaning is literal. There are so many caught in this kind of slave trade around the world it is heart breaking.