Visions or dreams?

Archives for 2007

Visions or dreams?

Post by miriamquinn »

Does this board only discuss dreams, or can we talk about visions as well?

I'm wondering where exactly to classify some of my 'dreams'. Sometimes I'm fully awake when these vivid pictures come into my head, exactly like my dreams. These pictures sometimes teach lessons, sometimes have been connected to situations in the future, and sometimes mean nothing at all. Some have been calming, and some have been extrememly disturbing. Are these really dreams, or am I a prophet?

I've talked to my campus pastor, who said that though these things might not make sense now, but they will years from now when I look back on them. She said that God has a plan for my life which I may not be able to find now. This made the most sense to me at the time, but I am curious as to what these pictures are.

I don't want to label myself as a prophet, in case I'm only feeling pride and being something more special than others. I have read books about demonic influences, and those definitions definitely do not describe myself. I have a feeling these are sent from God, and I have prayed often about this, but have no definite answer from him.


What do you think?
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Post by WaitingforHim »

This board is also for Visions!! You would post them along with dreams in the dreams and visions section on the board...

We are all here to help you understand your visions and dreams as the Holy Spirit leads...So go ahead and submit any you may have questions about...

The bible speaks that in the end times He will pour out His spirit on all flesh and some will see visions and dream dreams...Does this make you a prophet?? I don't know...God is the only one that can call you to that office....but I do know that you can have a prophetic gifting which is obvious that you do...The Lord gives us dreams and visions as a gift and as a form of a communication between us and Him....You are very blessed to receive from the Lord in this way...

I would encourage you if you already haven't, to start a journal of dreams and their interps. Also, I would begin to pray and ask the Lord to give you the gift of interpretation ...Pray over your dreams and begin to search them out...And of course posting them on here will help to if the Lord leads anyone to comment or interpret them..

I hope I have helped you!! There are also many books and references you can buy to help you explore this gifting ....The SEER, Understanding The Dreams You Dream....ect...Those are just two...

May the Lord bless you and hope you enjoy the site!!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by talitha »

miriamquinn, I agree with what WFH was saying. I also want to encourage you not to get caught up too much in determining which are dreams and which are visions, and whether you're a seer or a prophet or whatever. I really feel that the Lord will reveal those things to you over time. Right now I feel that for you learning, trusting the Lord, and obeying Him is key.

blessings on you and on your journey - may we be helpful to you along the way