Archives for 2007
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Post by ArisenShine »


A VERY funny funny dream last night...and I didn't write it down, so I only remember this part.

I was reading some paragraphs that somebody had typed, and it was SO funny it could have been a comedy writer's script.

It was sprinkled with made-up website addresses, which somehow took the place of adjectives and nouns and was like a short essay about the person themselves, relating to someof their personal experiences?

Anyway this one that I recall....''....
was part of a sentence.

In the dream I could read it all clearly, but didn't have a paper/pencil nearby. Durn it! lazy bad. As I read it I thought it was almost a work of genius.

so funny...wish I could tell you more :lol:
Consider the lilies....
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Post by Janice »

There are many books in our life that we have read. Some funny, some serious. But this book is a book of your past walk in life.

I feel that the LORD knew you needed some joy in your He gave His message in humor. It shows different aspects of your life you have been through.

Is it possible that you could be on the computer more than reading book(s) these days. Showing this is where you are in life.

And... That you have come too far to turn back in your walk with the LORD. Sounds like an encouragement to keep pressing forward to me. :}

We all go through things where we could kick ourselves over for doing or not doing.... bringing on regreats in our life.

In any of our case, in real life not having a paper/pencil / pen ready could speak to our heart about preparation for the purpose of journaling as we go through life.
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."