correlation between snakes and lioness???

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correlation between snakes and lioness???

Post by Moriah »

I felt led to post these two dreams together. The lioness dream I had this morning and the snakes about a month ago. I think mainly because they both consisted of 5. Please help me with these as I know that they both are showing the enemy at work. Thanks and may God bless you!!!

DREAM 1-Lioness dream- My husband and I were in bed. While he was sleeping I got up and looked out an upstairs window. When I looked below, I saw a river and there were 5 lioness laying in the shallow end of the trickling water. They seemes to be enjoying the water. Our dog IRL was leaning against the house, terrified and barking. I opened the window and began to talk because I knew this would chase a wild animal away. They didn't hear me so I yelled, "You don't belong here!" They looked up and ran. During the entire dream, I couldn't get my husband out of bed to look even though I went and shook him really hard in the dream. He would mumble and go back to sleep. I woke up. I'm wondering if this doesn't represent 5 lying spirits!?

[/b]DREAM 2- (approx. 3-4 weeks ago) In the beginning of the dream my dad handed me a can of polyurthene. He told me to hold onto it and not to lose it. I walked into a coal house(my parent's have one on their farm). It walked inside and set the can down on a work bench as I began to work on something(don't remember what I was doing). Inside the coal house was a baby crib with a pillow and blanket. I knew there had recently been a baby in it. I then saw a black, dull, and fat snake. It creeped me out but I kept working. Then a skinny,red, and black stripped snake came at me. I got scared. I began to run out and then I saw two snakes intertwined together on the bars of the crib. One was beige and the other was different shades of gray. All the snakes were moving towards me.

I ran and got my mother and had her come ouside. From outside I pointed into the cole shed and said, "see all the snakes?" SHe couldn't see them although I tried to point them out. It was now dark outside. I made the comment that I was so thankful that all of my children were not babies anymore and in that crib. Then I wanted to cry because I knew I couldn't lose the can of polyeurthane but I wasn't sure how to get it off of the bench because I knew the snakes were after me. I woke up. I think the polyeurthene represents covering and something is trying to get me to lose it by scaring me. Could these be 5 attacks to get me to quit? Also, maybe I got caught up in the works(put it on the work bench to work) and this is what opened the door? These are a few thoughts......
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Re: correlation between snakes and lioness???

Post by talitha »

Moriah, I think your are correct, that the dreams are related. Seems to me that the snake one warned of attack(s) and the lion dream showed the way these attacks will be manifested? seems also related to part of the gravel road dream because of the kind of attacks - basically slander, right?

More specifically.....

In the lion dream, I think your husband represents the Lord - he is sleeping through this whole thing - really reminds me of the story of Jesus sleeping in the boat - does He care? of course He cares - but He knows that you will be safely delivered to the other side...... I think your dog represents your heart - feeling threatened and needing to lean - security...... Unlike the disciples in the boat, you take charge of the situation and speak the truth - the lions don't belong. And they leave when you speak the truth. amen!

In the snake dream, I think your dad represents your Father God, and the polyeurethane - I think you're right, it's the covering - basically your authority in Christ, IMHO...... You knew there had recently been a baby in the crib in the coal house. This baby probably has to do with your ministry, and it's in the coal house because you're working with your ministry, I guess. The snakes reminded me of the book Snakes in the Lobby by Scott McLeod - it is actually targeted at the Christian music industry, but the snakes themselves and the spirits they represent are found in many more places than that, of course. I remember the pair of snakes twined together in that vision were "pride and insecurity". I think the dull, fat snake could be false humility, and the red and black one I'm not sure..... It seems to me that the purpose of these attacks are to dispossess you of your authority in Christ......

Moriah, I think you're right about getting caught up in the works - you laid down the authority you were given by God in order to do things that He did not necessarily call you to do, and the more you did, the more there was to do. But the good news is in the lioness dream..... in that one you spoke to the situation, and it dissipated.

Hmmm..... I was reading yesterday some words written by our old friend "camperfriend" on Kingly Intercession. I'm not finding them right now; they were a reply to a dream I had a while back - but there is some good teaching on that out there..... I'll look for something - it may be a good thing for you to read up on.....

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Post by Moriah »

Sounds pretty accurate Tal. It totally makes sense to me. I would be interested on reading more but was this the article that Ves once sent to me? If so, I have read it. I have racked my brain all morning thinking about where I might be getting into the works and off track. I also prayed with my husband about it and we talked. I truely believe that my dream showed me I was too busy doing something and caused me to put down my true covering. I just can't figure it out yet.

Hang in there with me Tal and don't get aggravated at me as I try to explain my thoughts. :roll: I have had a lot of attacks with my work and church. Basically I am a social worker 90% of the time at work and it has been pulling me down. I have been praying about quitting. At times I feel drained and spiritually attacked by spirits in my job but also at church. Yet, I truely love to give and I would be limited on my giving if I didn't have money. My husband is torn also. He knows that I have been drained but he is also afraid that I will get down too if I can't help others financially. The two things that take my time are still work-is my job and pastoring. I'm torn because I have always felt my job was a ministry until I started pastoring. Could the pastoring be the works since it came second? See what I am getting at? I just can't seem to do both much longer. I know that many would say that pastoring should be first but I want to be absolutely sure because I love to give and pastoring is really, really hard. I made an oath before the Lord to only speak His words and it takes a lot of prayer and study each week. I believe it has brought me much closer to the Lord but waiting upon the Lord is not a great place to be at times. Is the harder always the correct direction?

Forgive me for still questioning. Thanks you for helping me on these dreams and confirming some things. I know that I'm coming very close to understanding once and for all. I just know that my answers are unfolding and I will have clarity. When I know that I know then I can speak to this situation!!! May God bless you greatly!!!
All that is within me will praise the Lord!

Post by talitha »

Moriah, you are sooo precious to me - I have told the other admins I'd really like to get a group of my pastor friends together and go and encourage you - that may be unrealistic, but it's my heart. I have been certain for a while that you are called to pastor - I don't know about the workplace thing - maybe you could go part-time with that, I wonder how they'd feel about it...... I really think that when the Lord calls you to do a specific thing sometimes He requires you (at least temporarily) to lay down things that don't apply to that calling, even if they are things you like doing or get some fulfillment from. No, harder is not always the right direction - but I think pastoring would not be so hard if you would focus on that more and social work less. My associate pastor was a social worker for many years and finally went full time as a pastor about five years ago. He's still a person who's called from time to time for resources because he's learned over the years how to do that - it's become an avocation for him and not something he does forty or even twenty hours a week. Maybe you could do kind of what he does? What does your husband think of all this?

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Post by Moriah »

I am going to go back into a time of fasting and prayer. I so appreciate and luv you Tal!!! Part-time is not an option. It would be almost as many hours and more travel. My husband is back and forth but ultimately if I hear the Lord clearly he will be alright with the decision. I can always substitute teach. I have my Christmas vacation coming up. I get two weeks off and I need this greatly. Thanks and may God bless you Tal!!!

Also, I forgot to mention one snake in my dream(the 5th one). I looked back as I was running out of the coal house and I just saw its eyes coming out of the upper dark corner on the southwest side of the shed. I realized this after I read over my dream.
All that is within me will praise the Lord!

Post by MeekandProsperous »

A word for you...

Exodus 7:12 (New International Version)

12 Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs.

Your dream almost made me cry. Here's what I hear the Lord saying please pray about it.

The snakes represent false prophets that will try to intimidate, bind up, deceive the people you have been called to cover.

The Lord says that like aaron you rod will turn to a snake and swallow them up as indicated in your first dream when hubby was sleeping. This is a very strong word and a time of fasting will be good for clarity.

You are working in the coal house because your new tool is being constructed to give those around you, those that you shephard, clean lips you are going to apply the coals to their lips this is needed to get them to a nother level/dimension....

They are mature and are out of the cribs, but like Paul said who has bewitched, let no legalism enter into the camp it's all about grace. They must understand where they stand and not go backwards but move continuously forward, not be moved, and not run away. This is the word of the Lord I pray that I have delivered it accurately.

Galatians 2
17"If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not! 18If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker. 19For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. 20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"[d]

Galatians 3
1You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? 3Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? 4Have you suffered so much for nothing—if it really was for nothing? 5Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?


Post by talitha »

I just want to come alongside my sister M&P and confirm this - I believe I sense the Holy Spirit upon her words above......
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Post by Moriah »



My sermon is on the righteousness of God!!! Church was cancelled this last Sunday because we got hit with ice but it has given me more time to pray and seek if I've missed anything the Lord wishes me to present. The very word you delivered is what the Lord was going to speak upon. I have mainly been in Romans/Hebrews but Galatians gave me another piece to the sermon. He is amazing!!!

This is starting to come together more and more. Thank you for being obedient to deliver this to me. No one knows my heart but the Lord and He keeps showing me this through others. There more that you don't know about that was confirmed in that word. Thank you and may God bless you mightily!!!

Thank you Jesus for Your Blood and the Cross!!! I believe You the Word !!!

I will be very much before the Lord in prayer and fasting. I'm encouraged and thats the Lord! Praise be to Jesus!!! Somehow, every sermon I have given this far has always returned back to His blood and the cross. I can't imagine how it could not always be this way. I want to yell it from the mountaintops-Jesus Christ is Lord!!! Here goes that spirit of praise again-I love You, my Jesus!!!

I miss the kissing icon! Well heres a kiss to you Meekand Prosperous and Tal!!!
All that is within me will praise the Lord!

Post by MeekandProsperous »

Praise God!