Attack at Rick Joyner's church

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Attack at Rick Joyner's church

Post by godseeker »

for the record,.i wanna say,.that i enjoy visiting morningstar ministries,.me and a friend are planning to attend their prophetic conference in march

it appeared in the dream,.that this was a part of a conference their,.and it was a night for fun for the family, there were circus acts,.and fun and games going on,.i remember my pastor and his wife were there and a few members from our church,.one of the praise and worship leaders of morningstar came up and this person's act was that she had a trained snake that was gonna do tricks,.well this snake was very long,.look like 12 to 15 feet long,.it had a head like a hammerhead shark,.under the bottom of the head were teeth all around,.

as the person was walking up,.she called the snake and it was following her,.instead of slithering like most snakes,.this snake moved more like in an up and down motion,.as it was following this praise and worship person,.it looked over at me,.and i was standing up,. and it jumped towards me and clamped on to my chest with its teeth and it would not let go,.it was trying to really sink its teeth in me,.but it could not,.i saw everyone just looking,.even rick joyner,.they were amazed,.because at this point they could not control it,.no one would help me,.not even my pastors,.they just looked in awe,.so i stood still and i began to pray and call on the name of Jesus,.and it began to lose its grip,.and i snatched it away

no one said anything,.everybody just kept going,.even the people from my church,.and i was hurt,.because i knew it was demonic and i thought someone would help me fight it,.but no one did,.i was in tears more about that,.than i was about the attack,.i remember leaving and looking at my pastors wife as if i wanted to say something to her about what happened,.but i couldn't,.we looked at each other and i just left out of the church
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Pray in the spirit and maybe even fast for a few days before u go to the conference. Build up Ur spirit man. be prepared.
I dont wantto discourage u from going but this may be a warning to p on guard and spiritually prepared. Pray and fast and cover your self with the holy Blood of Jesus spirit soul and body every day you are there....
Demons can act up in church. Jesus had a boy have a fit right in front of him and the demon possessed man of gardenia... i doubt was a friendly guy.
Of course we know the religious people whop persecuted Jesus were demon driven.....
Then there was Judas a thief in the midst of the chosen twelve.
Be prepared... fill your self with worship and be ready for anything....
If this speaks to u... great if it feel off,,just toss the advice int he bin.

IT also could be a dream MAYBE from he enemy to put fear into u not to go.... If the enemy is trying to discourage u not to go that's all the reason More to go! Blessings... and may God put his holy trusted angels around at the conference.!
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Post by godseeker »

thanks jewels,.will most definitely pray,.some parts still not clear about
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Post by Robert159347 »

First, I don't think the enemy can give you dreams or visions, because in the Bible it was always stated that G-d speaks in dreams. It was never mentioned once that Satan could give you dreams, and don't you think that G-d would've warned us about that. I honestly believe that every dream is controlled by G-d, but I don't believe that every dream means something; though I do know people who do have at least one meaningful dream everyday. I do know about the dreams that are very explicit, and honestly I don't know if G-d is showing us this to try and tell us something or he is showing us what is in our hearts, I don't know. What I do know is that that is a topic this forum really needs to get an answer to, and that answer should be addressed in another part of this forum. Anyway, sorry for the rant, now let's get back to your dream. The dream is pretty straightforward. There is someone or something in that church's program that is what I think to be some kind of witchcraft. Witchcraft is all about "controlling spirits" and all that kind of stuff which I see is what this person is trying to do in controlling this snake/shark. Now, keep in mind I'm not accusing this church since, I don't really have any information to go off of besides this dream, but you should really pray and ask G-d if you should go, and if he doesn't answer then don't go, because it seems that if you do go you are going to get hurt from that snake biting you, and no one in that church is going to help you. Hope it helps.
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Post by bjcollin »

Robert159347 wrote:First, I don't think the enemy can give you dreams or visions, because in the Bible it was always stated that G-d speaks in dreams. It was never mentioned once that Satan could give you dreams, and don't you think that G-d would've warned us about that. I honestly believe that every dream is controlled by G-d, but I don't believe that every dream means something; though I do know people who do have at least one meaningful dream everyday. I do know about the dreams that are very explicit, and honestly I don't know if G-d is showing us this to try and tell us something or he is showing us what is in our hearts, I don't know. What I do know is that that is a topic this forum really needs to get an answer to, and that answer should be addressed in another part of this forum.
I will answer this here first, because it has been stated many many times over the years in many different parts of this board. I will endeavor to make the teaching more visible and place it more formally in one of the moderator areas. We believe that there are three sources of dreams, the Lord, the enemy, and our own soul. The first one is easy because the Bible has many examples of the Lord giving dreams and a good reference for this is Numbers 12:6. The second way is the enemy giving dreams can be approached in two ways. One way is that there are a few Biblical examples of angels giving dreams, and the enemy is simply a fallen angel and so could retain that ability. A good reference for this is Matthew 1:20 where the angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream. The second way is what the Bible refers to as false dreams which are set up as lies reference Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Jeremiah 23:25-32, Jeremiah 27:14-15, Jeremiah 29:8-9. The lie dream do not come from the Lord, so they either come from the enemy or from the dreamers own soul. For the third source of dreams, our own soul, reference Eccl 5:3,7. We as humans often dream about the events of our normal everyday lives. It is the way God designed us and it is the way our subcounscious or our soul works out the days events.

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Post by Robert159347 »

First, speaking to BJ, I would like to say that the verses you gave me never said that they actually had those dreams. The verses can be interpreted as the false prophets never had the dreams; that the dreams they said they had were contrived. Another possibility I discovered is if you take some of the verses and look at them in the original Hebrew the word "chalam" is used quite frequently, which can be translated" to cause to be plump" which could mean that they twisted and manipulated their own dream to make it mean what they wanted it to mean. So, to say that the enemy gave them these dreams is conjecture, and does not have any "solid" evidence to back it up.

So, to GodSeeker consider every dream from G-d. Joseph considered every dream from G-d and so did Daniel, for they never questioned any dream; they just assumed it was from G-d and interpreted it. I can't say that I'm right with full confidence, but the safe thing is to say that if the dream doesn't contradict G-d's word it is from G-d; in which your dream doesn't. So, pray about your dream before you go, because it seems like there is something demonic in that church that will hurt you if you go.
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

You had another dream about Rick Joyner's church in August...
I dreamed that i saw God tear down rick joyners church "morningstar" to the ground and it was like a demolition,.it came straight down and as soon as he tore it down,.he built it back up,.all of a minute at the most that this all occurred in the dream,.and the new church was so beautiful,.even beautiful to look at,.and i was in awe of what i saw God do,.and i was very excited,.and in my dream i sensed that this is what God was going to do to our church as well and others that truly were His,.so i ran to go tell my pastor with excitement. but the news about what happened to this church was so amazing it was on the news.
I have no clue what the interps for either dream are, however, the enemy attacks and the Lord sometimes allows it so that we can be sifted like wheat for the purposes of God. We also sometimes make choices where the consequences of our actions allow an attack. I wonder if the enemy will be used to bring about this glorious transformation and it will start the process of other churches awakening into this glorious revival....

I could definately be wrong....He will confirm...
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Post by bjcollin »

I didn't wanna pull out the personal experience card out, but since you pressed... In the past I have had a few dreams that were very perverted and messed up in nature, then when awaking God would allow me to actually see the enemy demon leaving the bedroom. In my personal experience, the Lord has showed me that the enemy can indeed bring dreams. It is up to us to use the Godly gift of discernment to decide which source a dream is from and whether or not to follow it.

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

In any event seeker... take a few days to fast and pray before u go. That cant hurt. Also see if a elder or pastor u trust will lay their hands on u and pray for protection.
snake dreams are scary... o have had many of them. I do see them as warning dreams. But the good thing is though u were attacked u weren't really hurt...... God is good,.
I wanted to ad the idea of a " circus act and fun games" going on at church even in a dream bothers me. I'm not saying anything about Rick Joyner as perhaps he and his church are only metaphors and symbols of the THE CHURCH at large.... but something to think on...
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

My friend who is an intercessor and has a deliverance ministry has something to say about this dream. I asked her to pray and let me know if she got anything....
I do not believe this is from the enemy! Satan is crafty! We must be on alert. One thing God has repeatedly said to us is that we underestimate the enemy. Please be careful. Please pray for His Spirit and His Truth! God wants us to want His truth but He will not force us to believe.

We need to all interceed...
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Post by ArisenShine »


What leaped out at me from your dream was this:

You were indeed attacked, but the Lord is showing you that your faith in Him is sufficient to free yourself from harm....without always having the assistance of the others.

This dream should give you courage and it reminds you that nomatter what, when you call on Him He is there. We aren't meant to forever rely on our spiritual leaders who parent us, mentor us... God didn't intend for us to become co-dependent on them forever. You are strong in the Lord and the power of His might. And He is faithful. He gives you the power to tread upon serpents. All by your lonesome if nobody will come to your assist! Do not be 'hurt' by others' lack of concern. People will always let us down if we put our trust in man.

Wherever there are humans there will be demonic influences...just because it's a Christian conference or church gathering does not mean it is safe from the enemy's tactics. The Lord would have you attend with your spiritual armour on and your spiritual anntenna alert...not just for your own sake, but for the whole body of believers.

About the woman with the trained snake. A 'performing'circus-like act, doing 'tricks'????!!!!! That is the symbol that carries the warning of this dream. Not a warning of harm coming to you...but a warning about deception in the midst of an otherwise beautiful gathering. It could represent just one individual you may encounter there....or more...Maybe 'thrill seekers'....maybe they didn't help you because it was the Lord on will 'recognize' it when you see it with spiritual eyes open.

Other than that....If you go have a wonderful time!
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

It seems that there may just be a high alert right now against spiritual witchcraft that we all need to be praying and interceeding first asking the Lord for His spirit and truth and the words to pray! So, there are some good insights here....but I beleive you had this dream for intercession also...for the body!!!!!
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Post by Charys »

1 John 4
1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that[a] Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6 We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

I think the error we continually fall into is choosing to be either naive or obsessed about demonic activity. In the book of Peter it says "Be on the look-out, be aware, for your adversary the devil prowls about seeking someone to devour. (hmmmm just noticed this -an adversary in court is the one who makes accusations and brings charges and a roaring lion is territorial; it's roar is meant to frighten.)

I agree with BJ that there is more than one type of dream. Most of my dreams are what I call mind-lint. It's taking the events of the day and dumping them out in my mind like you would dump the contents of your pockets on the night table. God set up the brain to sort and file information this way. It's just stuff. I am most aware of it when I have been doing some repetitive chore all day and then I dream about it too.

I have also had dreams I know were from the enemy. Mostly they were meant to accuse or frighten. I have dreamed that I did something sinful and was filled with a sense of shame and guilt and it wasn't until I was awake (feeling horrible) for awhile that I realized I never actually did that thing -or it was something confessed, and forgiven long ago. My friend asks, "What's the fruit?"

One night about four years ago I had a super clear dream in which a close friend who had died a few months previously came and talked to me. I asked her what it was like to be dead. She told me things about Jesus, but they seemed off. Then she told me there would be a shooting incident on Oct. 18 and to get out of town that day. I wondered what to do, but I remembered in the dream she talked about Jesus in a kind of sad envious way, implying He liked me more than her. I chose to ignore the dream and break off any ties. Nothing happened I think this was a medium type spirit bringing this.

Where do you suppose mediums and spiritists and divinators get their information?

One of the mistakes I think we continually make is choosing to be naive about demonic activity, on the one hand, or blaming the devil when we suffer the consequences for giving in to our own evil desires, on the other. It is easy for some people, once they become aware of how prevalent enemy activity is to see dmons under every rock. They may be under every rock. I don't know. I just know our focus needs to be on Christ constantly -because He is love and He casts out fear. (Not speaking of the "fear" of the Lord kind of fear.)

A lot of people don't know that Satanists take moves of God very seriously. They often send delegations to conferences and places where revivals and great moves of the Holy Spirit are happening. My friend, who was an administrator for a big dramatic healing revival, told me about finding evidence of Satanic rituals and sacrifices outside the venue in the morning. Another one there told me that they recognized some of these guys after a while and seated intercessor warriors around them. They throw things at and under the stage. They throw curses with their hands while everyone else has their hands in the air so they look like they are part of the group. I wouldn't doubt if they are part of the fake circus act stuff that attracts negative publicity sometimes.

It takes the kind of discernment the Lord gives to only certain people. There are watchman intercessors who, like the security people at big public events, have the job of being on the alert for trouble makers. I think you may be one. In the dream you knew what to do when you ran into this situation. Sometimes people who detect their presence go running off yelling that the whole thing is fake, or demonic because they can't --or choose not to see Jesus. Others are protected from being being aware of its presence. In your dream you saw what others didn't and it surprised you, but don't be afraid, for greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world.

I think you may be a protection/security personnel intercessor.
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Post by dance-in-the-son »


You are so on it, my friend who is a watchman was talking about mixed seed and during worship there can be both and sometimes even the leadership doesn’t call it out or know it. Anyways, I believe that the Lord is wanting you to have your spiritual antennas out even during worship and while worshipping you can be discerning and praying too!!!! You said it all Charys, thanks!

Blessings :wink:
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Years ago when my old pastor who founded our church,,, was there and we had a active interactive congregation,,, a attack came against a few of our members during the service. One was my pastors wife, If my memory is right she felt constricted as of something was trying to take her breath away...
M y friends mother,,who was Once a long time ago into witch craft and can sense things supernaturally at times,,,( shes christian now and was then) saw briefly a flying snake. It flew past her and was gone....
I also recall a lady who had discernment and was'up" there with our pastor said something about a witch or some satanist had visited our church...
sadly eventfully strife erupted and the pastor l;left and many people left. Its note he same anymore.. with only a few of the old crowd left.
But God is still there and our new pastors are so sweet and kind.... and teach faith. So the church is still there and the word being preached....

Perhaps the church needs to pray for more Holy Spirit discernment,,, like Paul had when he discerned the spirit of divination in the girl who seemed to be 'witnessing" about The truth of what Paul was telling the people. IM not talking suspicion here or people being judgmental. but real Holy Spirit discernment to be given to the church so these people can be weeded out and discovered.
Anyhow,,,, Seeker.. dont let anyone put their hands on u in prayer unless u know them very well or they are part of the ministry team sanctioned by the leaders. Dont let anyone else lay hands on y if u dont know them or are unsure about them.....