Shorts Exchange at the Store

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Warrior Princess
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Shorts Exchange at the Store

Post by Warrior Princess »

Last night I went to bed very frustrated and questioning...I have been divorced from an abusive ex for a year and a half and he was ordered to pay the mortgage and utilities until the house sold (me and the kids get to stay in it till it sells) in lieu of child support. The market crashed 2 weeks after we listed it and it still hasn't sold. So, the reason I was so frustrated last night was that he is making threats to stop paying, and once again demanding money. I went to bed thinking, When is this going to be over Lord? When am I going to get to move on?

Dream: It was dark and rainy and cold and me and the kids and the ex got out of his car and went into our local Walmart (when we got inside it turned out to be a Target so of course there was red everywhere--that was the only real noticeable color in the dream). I wanted to exchange some shorts that I had gotten for my daughter that were too small (they were plaid, by the way). The woman in customer service said I could not exchange them until this other customer service guy, a manager type, comes in at 10:15 p.m. I thought that was ridiculous, as well as the late time being ridiculous and an odd time at that, and was rather upset, even getting a little agitated and thinking, I'm certainly not doing my Christmas shopping HERE. Suddenly, I policeman showed up. I thought they had called him because they thought I was going to create a disturbance/get out of control. Kind of scared me, I calmed myself down. We walked around the store a little, then I decided to leave. I looked at my watch and it was a little after 10:00 p.m. and realized it was time for that guy to be here so I could exchange the shorts, might as well. So I went back to customer service, didn't see the guy, and I did not get to exchange them, rather return them. The woman gave me a receipt for store credit and some change I think. The policeman was sitting on the bench in customer service and was reading a newspaper, I couldn't see his face really. As I left I made a comment to them about something my ex used to do, I don't remember what I said, but I remember feeling like I was trying to explain my frustration. Then we were turning to walk out of customer service and I woke up.

Any thoughts? :)
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."