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Post by Tic »

I feel some back ground is need on this.

My ex, if that is what you want to call her, we have been struggling very much! I want to be with her. She wants to be with me. I see signs every where that shout that we should be together. She says that when she prays about us the Lord tells her now is not the right time. Every time or conflicting ideas about what we should do about us come to a head, and we decide we should not have contact so that we can focus on the Lords will in our lives, some thing major and out of our control that we can only solve by working together occurs, and our hearts soften. I will confess that we are pregnant and that we have confessed, ask for forgiveness, and repented. Which makes it all the more stressful. This is a major event in my life and she is, not in all of, but in most of my dreams. I have the feeling that most of my dreams are about this situation.

Ok, the dream. I find out that my ex has been seeing some one else. He is a short dorky guy if that means anything? I am upset in the dream. What upsets me most is that her youngest, most kind and innocent daughter has fixed these to up. mean while she is still prego with my son!!! This guy is one of her daughters friends dads or something. I can't understand it. I start shaking her and asking her something along the lines of what have you done?!?!?! and Why?!?! End!

This dream occurred the instant I feel asleep, and I woke up immediately after it ended. It might help to know that some one else violated my trust in real life last night.

Any words or Prayers are greatly needed.
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Post by Bridge »

Hi Tic,

She says that when she prays about us the Lord tells her now is not the right time.

Those who wait upon the Lord shall not be dissapointed.

Are you willing to wait for the right time?

we decide we should not have contact so that we can focus on the Lords will in our lives, some thing major and out of our control that we can only solve by working together occurs, and our hearts soften.

humm out of control we all are but when we turn to God and put Him in control He softens our hearts to recieve from Him.

We are no longer our own, but His!

I am upset in the dream ut oh!!!

Hold all our thoughts in obediance to Christ

The very issuse you have been violated with is the test you must pass.

Trust in the Lord with all Your heart Prov. 3:5-6

God uses dreams to reveal even our own hearts to ourself

Be encouraged God is working in you give Him thanks!!!
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Post by Tic »

Bridge thank you for your encouragement. I think maybe I should have been more clear about how I use the phrase "out of our control" I am well aware that none of us r in control. What i meant is that neither one of us committed any actions to push these events to occur out of selfishness. Rest assured that all my thanks be to God even in my times of suffering, as well as in times of success. Thank you for posing your Q's to me they have helped to affirm my trust in the Lord Jesus!
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Post by Taps »

Hi tic...

I've been around readin' the few posts you made recently. The prayer and another dream. I have been considering what these things all mean. I have been musing on it before the Lord.

I will likely come back to this and finish what I have started but I wanted to let you know I am seeking on your behalf.

As I read this dream and asked Father "who" was that dorky fella you described your 'wife' seeing, that your 'daughter' set her up with I heard this.
"It's her conscience."
But at the same time it isn't conviction of God. There is a difference. One can be based on 'soul ties' and therefore hindered from a pure conscience and the other (conviction) is based in relationship with God that makes a way forward in resolving a problem. The other can leave you in limbo with no way forward. Tricky business!
Seems that the daughter is able to influence the mother in the area of conscience of what is best for the family which is really more about what the daughter feels is best for her rather than the family. So your Wife is listening to the conscience that her daughter instills, based on her parental care and responsibility for the 'first family.'
I get a sense that the daughter feels a little threatened by this relationship... that she is going to lose something when this little one comes along and the relationship her mother has with you begins to flourish in the Love of the Lord.
She needs to be reassured that it won't. And the Wifey needs to seek the heart of God to be lead by not an ungodly soul tie with her children. Ungodly only in that it will influence her more than God's heart in a matter. I would say the reason she is not wanting to remain together at this time is not that God is saying "Wait." I know I take a risk is stating this with such confidence but then... I can be more objective not being personally involved yet I do take very seriously speaking on behalf of our Father's heart for people and their circumstances. God is a God of reconciliation and the things that divide in love God does not tend to be behind.
I understand there are timing for things... oh believe me I know and that God would heal a couple while they are apart so that they come together as a whole. But if this be the reason you are not presently together... then I would say so.
Until your Woman comes to this understanding I want to encourage you... to keep doing what you are doing in reaching for healing and wholeness regarding this recent breach of trust and trust that Our God wants family units to be together and stay together.

God bless you friend. I see humility in you. And I appreciate your openness. I often feel alone in reaching out in times of desperation also so I know how much it took for you to do so. I hear those same whisperings at times.

I shall keep you in prayer and see if there is anything further that I can help you to discern with my ears and heart after the will of God, for us who are trying to find our way, then ask away.

tenderly... Taps
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Post by Tic »

Dear, Tap

I am greatly encouraged by your words. Although I'm sure that you can understand that they are also a bit frightening b/c I have noticed a some of what u r talking about with her daughter. Your words strike so deeply and agree w/most everything that I have been praying and fasting on. I will take them to the Lord. Thank you!
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Post by Taps »

Tic wrote:Dear, Tap

I am greatly encouraged by your words. Although I'm sure that you can understand that they are also a bit frightening b/c I have noticed a some of what u r talking about with her daughter. Your words strike so deeply and agree w/most everything that I have been praying and fasting on. I will take them to the Lord. Thank you!
The hardest journey is the one back from when we thought we were hearing and following God and find out it wasn't Him at all.
It isn't going to be easy in coming to the realization that we were mislead or deceived by something we entrusted ourselves to.
You found that out with your 'step-children'. But for the grace of God there go any one of us.
God bless you friend.
Merry Christmas to you.
he's my rock

Post by he's my rock »

Browsing through and this has really caught my eye.

Soul ties, interesting Taps. I agree here. But that soul tie is between you, Tic, and your "ex" as a result of falling from grace as you stated. Afterall, His word says that the two become one flesh, you unite and are now one, tied together.

If then the dorky guy is the actual soul tie, then that would mean the child(ren) are trying to keep the two of you together looking for a family bond, but you are agrevated by this because you don't believe it's you, pardon me, not meaning your a small dorky guy! But it appears that it is a somewhat messy, not well put together relationship with many small hinderances occuring not making this an appealing relationship but a bothersome one that is not the ideal relationship, hence small and dorky.

This then is where the two of you are at: soul ties, the wanting and desire to be together, one stating hearing it's ok with Christ and the other stating it is not ok with Him.

Hmmm. A house divided can not stand. But the one built upon the Rock shall endure all storms.

Praying and lifting up this situation.

He's my Rock.
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Post by Tic »

The more I think about it I the dorky guy is.....

My fear that during this time while we are not together, because now is not the right time. That the Lord would reveal to her or she might understand the revealing that she is supposed to be with some one else. IE the dorky guy. Not that I don't trust the Lord. That is not it. I don't know if I 100% trust her I guess, and only because I feel that her hormones and fears are motivating her decisions more so than the Lord.

I like your Point "He Is My Rock", And it brings me around to a couple of conclusions.

1 if I am to be with this women then I would need to trust her 100% in any circumstance.
2. That my trust in the Lords plan will prevail over any fears.
3. Even if her hormones are clouding her judgment on this better to wait till that time passes.
4. I need to patients