My youngest Son

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My youngest Son

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all
Thought I had this in here but I don't so I want to add it.......
On 4/6, I had a dream of my youngest son....I was in a house and I had just looked out the front door which had a half circle window in the top. I then went to the hallway and looked in a room and saw asian folks there and decided to go and fix them and me some food - noodles I think - and as I turned I looked in a door that was cracked open just a little and I saw my youngest son sitting on a bed doing school work. a light was on in the room but not where I was in the hallway.......he suddenly got the idea someone was watching him and he came to the door to see.....I backed away and acted like I was passing by and turned and asked if he was hungry.....he said yes and we went together into the kitchen to eat food - noodles I think - and we were happy. I woke up......
Now my son at the time of the dream was running the streets, a runaway. He had gotten into serious police trouble for joining in on a breakin with other boys. He was being a wild boy......On the 11th I went down and visited my daughter for her birthday and also did some searching of my own.....I prayed to Lord over this matter using scripture and reminding the Lord (as if He who wrote the Bible really needs reminding) His words regarding a preacher with wild kids and serving. On Monday the 13th, 7 days after the dream the Lord put my son into my hands to deal with, long distance style, so I called the correct people and had him picked up.
Then on the 18th he was informed that after he fulfills his obligations to society he will be returning to me and my house.
-My son is empty, he carries a fakeness about him because has yet to find himself and know who he is inside. The Lord has given me the priviledge and loving duty to help him get past that lost in space/childhood life and work on manhood. I pray I can do it and he will accept the Lord's will in the matter. well, at least the Lord keeps putting him in my hands to love, oversee and protect, even if I have to be the one to correct his mistakes.
thanks for reading......
Oh.....I know from this dream that Chris was coming home.....I do not know the meaning for the Asians......The light in the room and the studing had to me to do with the battle going on with him about education....he avoids it and I push it - so to me it is a good sign.....I am looking at maybe a homeschool option or something that will help....public school has not worked for him so far, and not because they have not tried. My son seems to be a bird of a different I just have to figure out how to do it and keep him safe from the wildness at the same time - OOH LOORRD!.....-The house and its location was new to me too.
well see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry

Re: My youngest Son

Post by Tehillah77 »

Hi Scott,

I felt such compassion in my heart for you as I read your post. You didn't mention your sons age, but I was taken back to raising my three sons. They are now 30, 28 and 25. I now have 4 grandsons that are one almost 9, then 7, one to be 6 in July,and the youngest 5.

We raised them in the church together, yet when they hit their teens they rebelled, starting with the youngest, and are just now really coming back to the ways they were raised. I know how hard it is, how heart breaking it it is. They did go to public school and there were influences there that were not good for our sons. They did not even get a very good education there -- but that was our situation. In hind sight, we would do that differently.

I won't suggest any particular course of action because everyone's situation is different and has to be dealt with as the Lord leads you. One thing that came to my heart was what the Asian people in the dream may mean. It isn't anything against the people of the Asian culture as they are made by God -- all I mean is that there are certain things about all cultures, as well as the American culture, that God can use to speak good or evil to us as far as influence or whatever he chooses really! Having said that, pray about this, but I got a sense that the Lord may have used the Asian culture to identify to you the type of spirit you need to pray against on behalf of your son.

I lived in an Asian country for 6 years of my life. It might help you to look up on the internet through a search and find out some of the strongholds in some of those countries. It might help you know better what you are dealing with somehow as far as what is influencing your son spiritually.

I don't know or get a sense about the noodles.

I hope this helps. I will pray for you and him.

In Jesus, Susan

sigmon2 wrote:Hi all
Thought I had this in here but I don't so I want to add it.......
On 4/6, I had a dream of my youngest son....I was in a house and I had just looked out the front door which had a half circle window in the top. I then went to the hallway and looked in a room and saw asian folks there and decided to go and fix them and me some food - noodles I think - and as I turned I looked in a door that was cracked open just a little and I saw my youngest son sitting on a bed doing school work. a light was on in the room but not where I was in the hallway.......he suddenly got the idea someone was watching him and he came to the door to see.....I backed away and acted like I was passing by and turned and asked if he was hungry.....he said yes and we went together into the kitchen to eat food - noodles I think - and we were happy. I woke up......
Now my son at the time of the dream was running the streets, a runaway. He had gotten into serious police trouble for joining in on a breakin with other boys. He was being a wild boy......On the 11th I went down and visited my daughter for her birthday and also did some searching of my own.....I prayed to Lord over this matter using scripture and reminding the Lord (as if He who wrote the Bible really needs reminding) His words regarding a preacher with wild kids and serving. On Monday the 13th, 7 days after the dream the Lord put my son into my hands to deal with, long distance style, so I called the correct people and had him picked up.
Then on the 18th he was informed that after he fulfills his obligations to society he will be returning to me and my house.
-My son is empty, he carries a fakeness about him because has yet to find himself and know who he is inside. The Lord has given me the priviledge and loving duty to help him get past that lost in space/childhood life and work on manhood. I pray I can do it and he will accept the Lord's will in the matter. well, at least the Lord keeps putting him in my hands to love, oversee and protect, even if I have to be the one to correct his mistakes.
thanks for reading......
Oh.....I know from this dream that Chris was coming home.....I do not know the meaning for the Asians......The light in the room and the studing had to me to do with the battle going on with him about education....he avoids it and I push it - so to me it is a good sign.....I am looking at maybe a homeschool option or something that will help....public school has not worked for him so far, and not because they have not tried. My son seems to be a bird of a different I just have to figure out how to do it and keep him safe from the wildness at the same time - OOH LOORRD!.....-The house and its location was new to me too.
well see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

Thanks Susan
I will look..........Just a bit more might help gather your thoughts son is half Cambodian.....The pysch. doc says he is empty/putting on a show/no personal son tries very hard to control his surroundings until kids he wants to impress come along and then he opens himself to them almost completely, to stop it in many ways takes the Lord of Heaven and Earth to intervene and He son will be 16 next week. I believe because of the protection the Lord has over my son that He has a plan for him and the devil is trying to win, so your thoughts are important. I find it interesting the way my son can roam the streets and have such strong Godly protections and care while on them, God does love him and I hope he will see it before to long......He sure keeps his guardian angels busy that is a promise. There is one more thing..uh...he is my son but he is not the my bio son.....see my ex made an error in judgement and in prayer the Lord spoke to me and said to tell my ex wife that in her was a boy child and that the Lord told me he was there, then the Lord asked me to accept my son as my own flesh and blood son. Who can say no to our Lord, I said yes immediately with a peace and joy that passes all understanding. So I did as told and here comes my son who the Lord has shown great love towards and protections..........I can tell you he knows enough Bible to whrill and thrill a preacher and the talkativeness and manners to wow a crowd...(my fault).....
So you see for the dream to come and the items that were in it to be in it...means alot....studying - education...light - Holy Spirit house - my control...I will look on the Asian thing as you suggested...........
Thanks again for your help.................
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry

Re: Son

Post by Tehillah77 »

Hi Scott,

I lived close to Vietnam in 1966-70. We live in Manila, Philippines. I feel even stronger about what I shared now that you said your son is partly Cambodian. Spiritual things from his heritage may be confusing his understanding of who he is, but the Lord will use you to straighten that out in his heart.

Our youngest son was 16 when we went through the hardest part of times and rebellion with him. We have been amazed at the protection the Lord has given our boys all through all of this. They have been in wrecks where vehicles were totaled -- even flipped them several times without even a scratch on their bodies. It is obvious that the Lord has His hand on your boy. He is blessed to have you as well.

In Jesus, Susan
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi Susan, Thanks
I had a flash of thought today.....based on what you mentioned and what my ex said yesterday and what I searched for last all swrilled around and out popped thoughts that seemed to make son is looking to find his personal ID inside himself. until he uses me he will be in turmoil....because there is no ex was telling me based on the dynamics of her family she is not the huggy type so when he wanted it, it was there be he wanted it forced....he actually set up barriers to get love and in a weird way, where he did and did not want anyone to break through to give it. Well my ex's family does not show close love, but my family if a child tries to avoid the hugging love they get chased down and get the hug......and usally my sisters' add in lots of kisses all over the face in a big display to remind them that it is better to get it over with right away in a simple way than to be chased down the hallway by old people. LOL. Kids know that upon arrival at the grandparents immediate hugs and kisses and all due respects by all ages are given before wondering off to the differents areas........I searched for demons and other things but I looked up secular meanings for Asian /couples, Noodles, Food, Hunger.....and finally came up with an idea in the flash that mixed with the promise from the Lord that my son was coming home to me, he needed, deeply, to be wanted by me and loved unconditional. I think I mentioned before that he has been telling people I have better/stronger rules than his mom though he ran from my rules couple years ago. The asian couple in the dream in the room I saw before my son were smiling and happy. I was just being polite to offer food in the dream - I wondered if it was the meaning for show or fakeness...I am not trying to be mean here just my ex's family and some others I know asian wise are really good and putting forth a show of kindness or careing when they mean nothing of the sort......right where my son is now. The Lord focus a light on my son and he was studying a book...the light was strong and bright.....he was peaceful and calm and when we went to the kitchen together it was like we were going to fellowship - break bread together. So I must come to the conclusion that I must make every effort to let him anchor his ID into me and allow this calming effect sink in to get my son back. I still pray the Lord will let me move out of this place into a more better place away from the distractions this town offers my son and his recovery.
Thanks again for reading my rambling............and Susan for helping thoughts and research come to a flash to help corner a dream.....
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry

Post by Tehillah77 »

You are more than welcome. This is answered prayer for me, too, big time! I have developed a big burden for reaching the young through this site. I believe that your son may turn out to be one who is called prophetically. I believe this site is here for such a time as this!!! I am excited for you!

Exactly what I was hearing was that he is confused about his identity. WOW, God is Good!!! You are going to be able to give him what he needs. I just see in the Spirit, Chris surrounded by love AND total GOD identity and the FOOD he needs to be nurished in his heart, soul and spirit!

Keep me posted! Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen all at once or if it presents some challenges. That is nothing for the Lord to handle.

In Him, Susan
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Post by HisBlood »

A big Amen to that, Susan!!!!!
I have developed a big burden for reaching the young through this site. I believe that your son may turn out to be one who is called prophetically. I believe this site is here for such a time as this!!! I am excited for you!
Glory to God!

Love C
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
No one need respond I am mostly logging here because of new developements.....since this dream a new dream has occur which has directed me into a detour of my sancutary dreams. This means I believe serious troubles are coming and the the Lord was giving direction in the sanutary dream of a place I could go to live during these times. Now I have what i am calling my detour dream which this seems to be a part of in the sense of what to do when I get there - I think - based on the newer dreams and their puzzle piece connecting of other dreams of the past. It has been eating at me that this dream - and that is have I decided to log it - may mean 3 ministries.....1. for unknown asians, I have spent some time looking back at my asian dreams that I could not understand at the time and the fact that the Lord set me up to be a minister to asian before I screwed that up years ago that the open door and feeding them in this dream may well be a second chance in the new location....they were man and woman and happy to see me in this dream.....2. my son in this dream, his debt to society in being served under tax payers control and will be released at the end of july....I looked back at the dreams that showed my son turning over a new leaf which he had not done to this point. In this dream through the open door and feeding him and in real life me taking him back into my home appears to be a ministry to him besides the door to recieve foster kids/ foster to adopt kids shut so I am seeing this a an opening to help the dream he was working on education - he does not want to go back to public school - I am about the only one who can help him with this......3. in the new dream there was a reference to learning new job skills that would be needed in the sancutary place. I went back and found a dream or two that seemed to support this detour to do just that.....
so I have 3 reasons to to do this detour, moreover, this gives me pause to consider that last september the Lord said to me He can delay if He wants too. I wonder what happen somewhere in this world that caused Him to delay the events I believe are about to happen. I still say people should be collecting emergency supplies but if the Lord confirms the detour here shortly then we have been reprieved for a short period of time.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
Just thought I would log in a update...tomorrow I p/u my son. the word from my ex is to take and keep him under my roof.......I still do not like the ideal of him here in the place I live now but the Lord has not yet provided the how to do otherwise.....I prayed last night about this Christian Youth place in my State that works with boys like my son...cost more than I can do...its Jubilee Youth Academy....they run a program to help boys work out the issues they have so they can get back into life....that may not be the Lord's intent with this dream and one more recent with said he needed nourishment but not the food kind....Oh so many questions and so few in a way this dream is being answered tomorrow!
see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
What in the world is the Lord doing? My son is going out of his mind with bordom......He has lived a very extremely active life and now that has come to almost a halt and it is driving him nuts and I am very close to losing him....did the Lord set me up to lose him? We were have a very good talk tonight and he was being honest about wanting to live else where because there is more he is questioning if there is a Jesus who does not even talk to him........he is not wanting to go to church with me and is starting to not wanting to stay away from someone/s who I believe has done him harm and will do him harm again....but he does not see it...........Unless the Lord moves and moves now I will lose him in the next couple of days!
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Post by shesthedreamer »

I noticed no-one mentioned that Asians can represent wisdom. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Collosians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
just wanted to mention that I got my son enrolled in a state endorsed public school where they let him do it at home. As in the dream I watched him sit there working on the computer they provided doing school work. Though today we bumped heads he is at least interested in the school stuff........I am still leary because the draw of the wild life is still upon him....I pray the Lord will not forget His dreams to son of course challenges them and Him.....oh well....what's a challenge to God without some rebellion and some pruning.........
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Post by shesthedreamer »

God can never forget, and he will remember them; sometimes he wants you to remind him. To me it seems like it's God's way of saying "Wow you remembered what I said". It's not coincidental that the devotional scripture I got today was

Today's Verse:
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33

and another one was

James 1:2-5 NIV
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him

Sounds like they were for you. Keep the faith, protect your patience, God's got you covered
Collosians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Just want to say Chris is with me and working on school and is a lot calmer than when he was at the other place. so far so good Praise the Lord......I can see the damage done by the street and the divorce and the life he has lived but I can see the desire to live too.......I am happy.............
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry