Levi is on his way home

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Levi is on his way home

Post by Charys »

Part 1) I got a job somewhere where jobs were scarce. I think it was on a train. Everyone seemed to be quite afraid of an old woman who, although not the boss, acted as if she were in charge. She was extremely controlling and decided every detail of operation -where people should sit and what they should wear (I was given a very old-fashioned shapeless navy blue dress with white ruffles at the neck -like the old woman in the children's Babar books) She decided when it was time to eat and how many shrimp could be put on everyone's plate. I was disappointed the meal consisted of only a few shrimp and nothing else, so I defied protocol and took a lot more. I decided I would rather lose this job than live under these oppressive conditions. She was 92 years old and I thought surely she wouldn't be around too much longer. My husband was somewhere in the background.

Part 2) My memory for the next part is hazy -something about people like talking head experts walking through and giving criticism.

Part 3) I was arguing with a young man who was my "son" (not son irl) about the situation with his father. There was a great deal of tension in the family and he was angry with his father for some harsh decision he had made. He thought his father was angry and hard-hearted and difficult to please. I was a bit ticked with his father's action myself because it looked to be an insensitive decision to me, but I knew the young man's father truly loved his son. I told him to work it out with his father himself. His father was some distance away but was coming back. I saw him set apart with a line drawn around him like a box.

Then I told my son I was bringing his little brother home from boarding school. He was upset at this news. He said it was too soon, that he didn't want the boy involved in this argument and that he shouldn't come back while things were like this in the family. I said it was too late for his protests and that it was better his brother knew the truth. It was like I was listening to myself give this pronouncement:

"He is already on his way home!" -and I knew his name was Levi.

(I don't know anyone named Levi)

I think Levi has something to do with the Jews.
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Post by will »

Levi, was one of Jacob's sons Genesis 29:
34She conceived again and bore a son and said, "Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons." Therefore he was named (Y)Levi. Also notice that it is Gen 29 the opposite of 92. Levi came from Leah. Jacob's first wife. Not the one he wanted. She had bad eyesight. She was hoping that Levi would assure her Jacob's affection. With Judah(praise) she finally thanked God.

Levi means attached or joined. Levi was born just before Judah. The tribe of Judah(means praise) is where we get the term Jew(even though it is a general term for Israelites. They were both sons of Jacob which is where the twelve tribes of Israel come from.

I am not sure how this relates to you. Perhaps it will help.
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Post by Charys »

Yes Will. The meaning of "connected" is significant, I think. The descendants of Levi made up the Jewish priesthood.
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Post by Missyjojo88 »

Whenever I think I get an interpertation of your dream, something makes me think otherwise. The old lady seems to be an old controling spirit coming against people at the job. It seems that you had a spiritual job. The train is a transportation for a group of people heading to different destinations although they may have some things in common. You working in the train may be to do with helping those people before they head to their destination spiritually. Kind of like church, where there are some place there to help people before they head into their minitries or destiny. But the old controling spirit, the Jezebel spirit is coming against those God has place in the job. I wonder if your church is or was battling this spirit? You refused to be led or control by the Jezebel spirit. You refuse her control over you. It seems that this spirit was controling how much of the word you guys would received, and which parts to receive or not. That would explain why you left the job. This seems to have cause confusion among this assembly.

The Jezebel spirit wants to put contention among the brethen so she can become stronger. With the spirit of confusion, it seems that the people were blinded and pointing fingers at the wrong directions. They are too busy critizing the wrong people because the Jezebel spirit is the culprite.

The your son and you might represent some aspect of a group of people; Is it Israel? Or is it the church? Only you know. The father that is away, but will come back soon sounds like God. Your son being set apart is to do with some calling or purpose. This son may represent a group of people such as Israel or the church that is set apart for a purpose. At times these two groups may be angry with God about some things. They might think God is being too harsh and not understand why he does or allow certain things. They don't understand God's discipline. But in the end you are aware of God's love for his children.

Since your dream seems to revolve around family and issues. There are spiritual issues that has to be dealt with. Levi is being used by God to bring the family close together. Leah name Levi so that her and Jacob would join, thus Levi in your dream is being called home to join your families together. Its a spiritual thing since your son in the dream is not your son in real life.

This is where I am confused. Who is this son Levi? Jesus Christ is of Judah, but he is now our high priest and interceeder. My guess would be that Levi is the high priest aspect of Jesus Christ who is coming to join Israel together. You may have descended from Israel, may be Levi. This is why you had this dream and this paticular scripture comes to your head. You are part of the church family and the first part is about that. The second part is a second family you are a part of which is Israel.

This is what I got. I could be wrong.
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Post by piano »

Some confirmation and thoughts...

I believe a train can be a specific ministry, or a ministry that covers large areas...this includes the internet.

You dont get this position by accident but by Gods providence, and soon come to the realization of what is really going on.
Perhaps God knows that you will stand and this action may help break this spirits (oldwoman) stronghold on others??
You insist on freedom from oppression! You are not a slave to man, but have been bought by the precious Blood of Christ.

When I read about the Tribe of Levi, one thing came to mind that "joined" the interpretation that Missy gave.
Leah name Levi so that her and Jacob would join, thus Levi in your dream is being called home to join your families together. Its a spiritual thing since your son in the dream is not your son in real life.
From AboutProphecy:quote.
The Tribe of Levi was not included in the tribes who were given allotments of land during the conquest of Canaan, when the nation of Israel was first established. Instead, Moses singled out the Tribe of Levi to serve as the nation's priests.

Instead of a land allotment, Joshua, who led the conquest of Canaan, gave 48 towns, scattered throughout the land of Israel, to the Tribe of Levi. The descendants of Levi played a roll in guarding and serving the tabernacle (Numbers 3:21-37). Moses and his brother, Aaron, were descendants of Levi.
The Tribe of Levi placed in varies areas of Isreal helps to join the peoples together. This would fit along the recent themes dreams/visions of the Unity of the Church.
Royal Priesthood.

Psalm 16

Last edited by piano on Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ditte3 »

Hi Charys.Peace be with you.

I also thought when I read about the old woman,that it may be the Jezebel Spirit.There are people like that in the church too.We have to pray about that and handle the problem.I will try to find a video about it on youtube and send it.

The criticising each other.It's also a problem in the church.

I thinkk the dream about Levi coming home,maybe shows a sign of antisemitism in some parts of the Church.It is still a problem.Also many believers does not realize the importance of Israel in god's plans and don't want to love the Jews or pray for them.They forget what Apostle Paul said about the Olive tree.
If it's not what the Lord tells you,please throw it.
God bless you and your family.
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Post by Charys »

ditte3 wrote:Hi Charys.Peace be with you.

I thinkk the dream about Levi coming home,maybe shows a sign of antisemitism in some parts of the Church.It is still a problem.Also many believers does not realize the importance of Israel in god's plans and don't want to love the Jews or pray for them.They forget what Apostle Paul said about the Olive tree.
If it's not what the Lord tells you,please throw it.
God bless you and your family.
Wow, Ditte. Divine timing! I love it. I just listened to a talk by Dr. Michael Brown on why praying for the salvation of the Jews is so important. He included a brief history of the horrible abusive anti-semitic attitude toward the Jews in the European church. I had no idea it was that bad. Yahveh have mercy on us!

He talked about respecting the root of the olive tree. He gave five reasons why the salvation of Israel should matter. (I love it. He called the disciples by their Hebrew names and asked people to turn to the book of Yacov.) The first is simply that these are Yehoshua's people. The other point that stood out to me is that Yehoshua said He would not return until Jerusalem is ready to say to Him, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."

Wow. Good stuff. Maybe that is why I keep hearing a love song playing in my head. It's about the Father's love for Israel and Ephraim, his delightful son.
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Post by piano »

Hi Charys,

I was looking over this dream again, after trying to find what shrimp might symbolize.

Shrimp is one of the foods "unclean" in O.T.

Leviticus 11: 9-12.

"These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers; that you may eat. But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you. They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination. Whatever in the water does not have fins or scales; that shall be an abomination to you."

Of course, what does it mean?
I really like shrimp.. that it comes from the sea always interests me in symbolism.

I was wondering, if this woman is 92 years old (in 2009) what might have been birthed in 1917, and continued to live to this point?

I read that the Old Lady in Babar books becomes the elephants friend buys him clothes and enrols him in school.

You are given this attire to wear.

What could be the elephant?

It would only be some sort of psychological implantation like a mental curse of the law (head experts) that would suggest any children of God settle for less than He has promised, or feel as though they have to be controlled by the old, and not free in the new.

What happened with (your son) symbolic of Ephraim, is he in time out?


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Charys »

Hi Piano. It's been a long time since I re-read this dream. Interesting that you brought this to attention now. Fascinating things have been happening since then.

You made me look. I found a report that said the first building for the particular church I attend was completed around 1918. I love the people and my pastor, but I have been hungry for more teaching and more encounters with the living God than have been the traditional fare there for a very long time. Although this group has a lot of respect for the Bible, the denomination itself has become quite liberal, teaching the wisdom of men more than paying attention to that which is spiritually discerned. I have never felt the Lord's permission to leave though. It's been frustrating at times. "The old lady" has made a lot of rules and regulations and has definitely had some control issues --but wow, things have started changing in the last few months.

I have been picking up my own spoon and reading, studying, going to conferences, listening to podcasts and seeking the Lord on my own -and this has not always pleased everyone. As a result my "ministry" is more outside the church than in it. My elephant might just be to those who, for various reasons, have not been part of a regular fellowship for a while, but still need teaching.

In the meantime, there have been some amazing divine connections lately with people who have left businesses and ministries to move here to this valley, because they heard the voice of the Lord telling them to do so. When we meet for prayer and put our puzzle pieces together it is so exciting we can barely contain ourselves. We still don't have a clear picture, but the "God co-incidences" just keep piling up. I don't know what He is up to, but this is big. Really big.

The city-wide Church has been horribly split with schisms and family squabbles --BUT! "Ephraim" is missing a close relationship with Father and is actively seeking reconciliation. No more "God-in-a-box!" People are considering letting the Holy Spirit do things His way -even if it means shaking us up a bit! :mrgreen: Hunger is awakening.

Thank you for reminding me, dear Piano. God is so good and I can see this dream being fulfilled before my very eyes. Woooot! Woooot!!!!!
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Post by imavessel »

Well, you might already have your answers about this dream but I just saw it. & Have not read all the responses because I am very tired. But-

Perhaps the first part is showing religion that is full of tradition and doctrine and rigidness where everything is
"this way", it can never be "that way" or it isn't right . . .
(the old lady part)

The second part, dealing with people that have a critical spirit, probably within believers, .. .. either looking at things they do not understand and believing it can't be God, or looking at entire sections of His church and thinking that way. Or at the very least, all the "fault finders" that bleed bad seed but usually within a church or ministry walls . . .

The last: When I read at least the latter portion I immediately thought of the Levitical Priesthood, . . . the Tribe of Levi.

& How they were set aside to serve the Lord.

& Even thought, for a moment of how a husband/father is the Priest of his home (Or should be)

Also: Wondered if there is a young male in your life somewhere, that maybe isn't exactly where he needs to be . . . "away" from the Father at some distance, . . yet set apart, with God lines drawn around him-?
& That God has a mighty call upon His life- as they were given the task to serve God and have brought throughout time, preachers and ministers and priests . . . ?
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)
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Post by piano »

Hi Charys,

Super cool. 8)

Its important to hear what He is doing, that He is a finisher of promises, and a granter of His hearts desires inside of you, and those who follow Him---

I was still wondering about the shrimp, and my thoughts went to casting out nets in the sea, and allowing them to sink deep, to catch the shrimp on the bottom.
They dont know any better than to eat where they hatch, and what food is available to them.

Perhaps there are also some traditional standards that might imply there are some souls that cannot be served in large quantity.
Too unclean?

I suggest that He is able to bring to salvation more people deep into the world than what the church may feel is an "adequate number".

To me, casting out the net of the gospel through ones walking in The Holy Spirit and prayer- means not being satisfied with what is in anyones logical mind when it comes to believing in faith in His love, power, ability, grace and mercy to save.

If I ask Him for something good, will He give me a stone? No!

A person can believe in faith for a harvest that is greater than any human standard can ever measure, for His Glory.

When Jesus had them cast their nets deep, after the diciples had been coming up empty all day,...the nets were overflowing with fishes, until it was breaking.
By His Word, His Spirit, His Touch, His Ways, His Power.

This "double fruitfulness" meaning of Ephraim's name makes me picture those who have been so restricted or rebellious and deep into their sin, that when they are made free in Him, are given a double portion of gratitude, humility, wisdom and selflessness, that is the exact opposite of their old patterns or selfish and rebellious ways, to serve and glorify Him.



2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.