Scavenger Hunt

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Scavenger Hunt

Post by TheHealedWoman »

My mother was hosting some kind of a day for children, school children, at her house in the country just outside of town. We have some animals: cats, a donkey, and a horse, a dog—but nothing that could be construed as a “farm day”.

There were literally at least a hundred children, maybe more. I recognized two of them, my husband’s young cousin’s Brenna and Anna whom I’d made friends with when I first met them. They look up to me like an older sister or mother and demand most of my time when I’m around them.

The main point of the dream was a treasure hunt. My mother had hidden a silver ring somewhere in our yard (which is four acres), along with some other prizes (although the silver ring was the thing everyone was really supposed to be looking for).

I was not supposed to be participating really. I was the only older person there, aside from my mother—who didn’t really seem like my actual mother, but more a mysterious and wise type of…something else. I walked around with Brenna and Anna, telling them that we’d have a “coalition” and work together, that we’d be sure to find something.

We searched for awhile, in places that were vague and unmemorable in the dream, and then walked to my parent’s back porch. On the porch were several feeding dishes for our cats. While I lived with my parents, there were usually between two and three of these, one for food, one for water, one for whatever else—but in the dream there were several in a row. After picking up the first few, I found a tightly bundled wad of money. My mother was standing right behind me, and smiling, told me to open it.

Inside were three twenty four dollar bills with three pictures on the green part of them. My husband’s step-brother Devin was to the far left, in the middle was a picture of Santa Claus, and to the right was a picture of Devin’s new wife, Becky. My mother wanted me to pay particular attention to her, telling me “Look. Don’t you recognize her?” Though she actually did look like Becky in the face, her hair was very light blonde again, and it was pulled up into a fancy upswept kind of hairdo. She was smiling. There were also a twenty dollar bill, and a thirty dollar bill on the outsides of the roll of money.

I turned to my mother and said, “Twenty-four dollar bills?” Her response was, “I got them for Ice Cream. For the children.”

I handed Brenna and Anna each one of the twenty-four dollar bills, and then handed Brenna another one, and made her promise to share it equally with her sister since I was unable to divide them equally myself.

As the dream played out, in this part I was hoping desperately (as myself, and not the me in the dream) I would get to keep the money part. In the dream, neither girl even seemed interested in the other bills, and I rolled them back up and put them in my pocket.

Another girl, one I don’t recognize, ran up with two other friends to my mother and said “We found the silver ring!” Although I looked right at it, I could not see the ring that was in her hand—it was like there was a hole there, or a shadow covering it up. My mom looked at the ring, smiled sadly at the girl, and said “That isn’t the ring. I’m sorry.”

After this, the day seemed to end abruptly—although no one had found the real ring apparently. Brenna, Anna, and I walked to the left of my house, where along the house was a large line of flowers. They were multicolored pastel hues, blended together, though the overwhelming color was purple, or lilac.

We skipped by, me in the middle holding each of their hands, and I said “Look, my mother’s tulips!” and ran my hand across them. They weren’t tulips, they were lilies—I remember thinking this clearly in the second more “awake” part of me that was “watching” the dream, but the dream me said nothing, just smiled and walked to the front drive with the two girls, where I had the distinct impression that buses were waiting.

That was the end of the dream—I woke.
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Post by TheHealedWoman »

Bumping this up. Didn't get any responses the first go around, but I thought I'd try again. Hopefully one of you can understand part of this, cause I'm drawing blanks. Thanks!
How Great Is Our God, Sing With Me, How Great Is Our God, And All Will See, How Great, How Great, Is Our God!