Church people stealing my daughter

Archives for 2007
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Church people stealing my daughter

Post by kse »

I was with a friend I've just made. She was spending the day with me. We weren't conversing or anything, she was just there with her children, who played with mine. When it was time for her to go she was speaking with me, but I was looking down my underwear :roll: (I know that sounds horrible!) I realized I had accidentally exposed myself to her and was embarrassed. I hoped she had not noticed.

Then I took my children to the grocery store. It was cold out but I walked with them through Burger King (apparently attached to my house and the store) so we did not need coats. In the canned veggie aisle I passed a person I knew from somewhere. I stopped her to say hello and to figure out where I knew her from, but my eyes were cloudy. I remember thinking I must have flour in my eyes. I blinked a lot to clear them. She was apprehensive to speak with me. Her friend appeared with an urgent look on her face, like they were communicating to one another.

I recognized the friend immediately, someone I once attended church with. They did not wish to speak with me, seeming to be in a hurry. A bunch of others from this church appeared. Then they took my small daughter and started running from the store. I followed them to the parking lot. They insisted it was the daughter of one of the other ladies. I knew they looked a lot alike but I argued it was MY daughter they had. I reasoned with them that she had no coat like the other girl; we didn't need them since we had come through Burger King.

They coaxed me to cross the parking lot since I was cold without my coat, to another Burger King to sort it out. As we sat there and they ordered food I realized the other lady's daughter didn't really look like mine, and she was much older. Then I knew it had just been an excuse. I sat wondering why they were trying to take my daughter. A couple of them lit up cigarettes. I remember thinking what bad witnesses they made, almost like frauds.

What do you all think?
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3

Post by kimibrew »

Hmmm. Just some thought, ok? Sounds like wolves in sheeps clothing and maybe the Lord is awakening discernment in an area that you didn't recognize the need for earlier.

IRL, you might just be a little extra cautious with your kids for awhile, in case this is about a particular event.

I'm sure you know this also, but in case this is a sheep in wolves clothing situation, it is always His amazing provision as the True Shepherd that leads us through these odd happenings. Jesus always protects His sheep that look to Him for guidance.

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Posts: 469
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:28 am

Post by kse »

Could be...
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3