older dream "the bridal message"

Archives for 2007
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older dream "the bridal message"

Post by who me? »

hi guys I wanted to bring this dream back up and get some more insight any may have on the possible meaning,i had orginaly posted this on the other board.love ya guys

the beginning deals with a personal sin issue.After this i am in my parents bathroom.I have a picture of my self as a child.In the pic i see this fogy misty angel or angels.I could see there wings in the photo.I was trying to see it better cuz the light was dim.I realized that there was a light in a mirror cabinet above the sink. only it was covered by a sheet.I pulled the sheet off hoping to see the pic clearer ,so i could see if i had really saw angels in the photo.while pulling the sheet off, i some how broke the light bulb.After this i had shards of the bulb in my mouth.not sure how this happened.i was picking the glass out and i had walked back in the bathroom.suddenly I hear the voice of Heddi Baker come from the heavens i guess.It was from above me.She was speaking on the importance of the bridal message and going on about that.about how hes coming for a bride with out spot ect...then I was cut to the heart saying I have to focus on the bridal message.then my folks pull up to the house and i am frantic in trying to clean up cuz it was like i had messed the whole house up.
who me?

Post by who me? »

this is copied from the other board

I was thinking on the symbolism of the dream.mostly on the pic. I keep thinking that like the angels being there in my child hood pic carries with it in my own mind the thougth of predestination.so i been just pondering these verses in line with the thinking of being conformed to his image in II Cor. 3:12-18

Rom 8:29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, for Him to be the First-born among many brothers.
Rom 8:30 But whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, those He also justified. And whom He justified, these He also glorified.
ok so last nite many months after I had this dream
my mom and bro went to my aunts house for a Christmas dinner and when they got back my mother showed me some old photos she got from her house.one was of me and my bro on Christmas day when i was 3.in between us was these 2 foggy orbs.was kinda cool cuz i had never seen the pic before. I believe its the pic the dream hinted at.

Post by kimibrew »

Hi blake,

I don't have understanding about your dream but got a glimpse of who you are through your writing of the dream...make any sense?

I was impressed by your earnest hunger and seeking posture. When you heard Heidi speak it seemed to cause you some fear as though you weren't adding up to the call, but your whole expression seems to be that of one who desires to fulfill it.

Sure sounds like the Beautiful One has your full attention!

Blessings through that One,

who me?

Post by who me? »

1Co 13:11 When I was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I thought as an infant, I reasoned as an infant. But when I became a man, I did away with the things of an infant.
1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall fully know even as I also am fully known.

was also thinking on this verse

thanks kim,yea I am so hungry for him,hes all i got and want.May God bless u so much today!!!