Malicious mother in law & white building in the sky..

Archives for 2007

Malicious mother in law & white building in the sky..

Post by Want2C »

My dream was in two parts.
Lately all my dreams are about different kinds of buildings.

The first part of the dream:

I was in a house which seemed to belong to my mother in law (reality: mother in law stays with us). My husband & I had our bedroom upstairs. In the dream my mother in law looked totally different, it wasnt her but in the dream it was her. (make sense?)

Anyway in the dream my mother in law mentioned something about my husband (I can't remember what she said but the intent was malicious, not towards him but towards me). What she said made be very upset & angry.
My husband then appeared & I questioned him. He then admitted that he bought a business for one of his brothers (reality: he only has one brother). I was so upset & told him that that was it, that I was leaving for good. He tried to stop me by grabbing my arm, but I pulled it away & cried out that I am sick & tired of being a wall fixture (?). I then saw my mother in law look very shocked at first but when she was away from her son she smiled (like she accomplished her goal).

I was then alone in the bedroom trying to look through the window to see what time the bus leaves to take me away. As I was peering through the blurry window I saw the departure time the board said 7:00. I was then on a bus which was full of foreign people all of them were talking very loudly. I felt totally out & started thinking just how much I loved my husband. And just how impossible it was to travel with my infant twins. I then found myself back in our bedroom, my husband was there holding a bunch of wilting red roses & a gift box (he was sitting on the bed looking very sad). I walked up to him & embraced him.
We were then all in the kitchen in the dream. Not just my husband & I but all his family members. (These people werent his family in real life).
In the kitchen was a very big main table & then a little one for the kids.
I then heard my husband talking to his mom. He told her that she has not treated me well. That all this time she has placed me with the kids & not given me a place at the main table. As he was talking I could perceive that my mother in law was understanding. All of a sudden there was a place for me opposite my husband at the table.

.....................Dream ends.......................

Second Part: (Hope you still reading) :lol:

I was with a group of ladies. We were all sitting listening to some woman talk. Once again I felt totally out, I didnt like the women I was with & also I didnt agree with what the woman speaker was saying. I then saw one of the women I was with look sympathetically at the speaker & say we will help anyway we can.

As I did not agree with what was happening, I stood up & walked towards a big window. Within this window was a smaller square window which I looked through. It seemed as if I was really concentrating..I then saw clouds (seemed like I was floating through them) I then saw a very big white building in the sky. In the center of the building were these huge windows. The more I was concentrating I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I was standing on this small block with no saftey harness or anything. As I was going higher I became too much aware of the danger & felt myself wobble a bit.

End of dream....

Any one with Holy Spirit insight please share your interpretation...

Thank you :P