Asking the Lord for clarification yet w/ flooring results

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Asking the Lord for clarification yet w/ flooring results

Post by Elijastask »


I had a dream days ago and the following day, I asked the Lord if He would interp. for me. THAT NIGHT I had a dream where I was w/my dau. in law and my grandson. We were smoking cigarettes and just chit chatting. END OF DREAM.

I was shocked to think that dream came from the Lord AND that that would be the interp. The TWO dream couldn't be any further different from ea. other, there was nothing in common.

Then, this am, I had a dream that I bummed a smoke off a friend of mine ( I'm not even sure she smokes) and waited till hub went to store to light it. She told me to hurry put it out because hub was on his way back, she could see the car. HE HATES W/A PASSION ME SMOKING. I ditched it.

In fact, I tell people I don't even know, when I see them smoking, that my bro had a heart attack and that for EVERY PUFF, it is equivellant to 7 MINUTES of oxygen being cut off to the brain AND gets into the bloodstream faster than main line heroin.


WHY the dreams about smoking two days in a row. There is absolutly NO desire, no temptations to go back to those nasty things........... WHY CIGARETTE DREAMS TWO DAYS IN A ROW?
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Hi there!!! Blessings..

Ciggarette smoke doesn't have to be you know a lot of things are symbolic...

Just the little that I do know about it, it can mean:

Gossip...contention and strife...,self righteousness, envy, jealousy, offenses: Pride and bitterness

these are some of the meanings that Ira Milligans Book has listed...and these are the scriptures..

Is 65:5

Maybe this will help you...with the meaning..

Could the Lord be showing you that your partaking of something that He isn't too happy about??
If this doesn't help you please pitch it...
Love you lots ..
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by Elijastask »

Thanks! I forgot to consider that it could be symbolic. Now I just have to see if I can figure out what it means!

Thanks again!

Post by jewel »

I just want to mention something here... simply as something for you to consider as you pray for the interp on your dreams.

When you took that first puff, did you mean for it to be so difficult to walk away from later? Was it your intention to become addicted to it? Most likely not... we don't normally start those things knowing the long term issues they cause. Often the attitude is; that won't happen to me. It is a long while before we realize, it DID happen to me... even me.

Well, in the same way do you think those that struggle with food addictions mean for food to be the only way they find comfot? How about the herion addicts, did they imagine it would be worth a two hour high for $1,000 yet at the same time it would be the only thing they wanted? The alcholics that can hardly function without it? Even more so (one we often forget) those that have had affairs or watch porn now and again.... do you think that they went out to visit with that other person or look at those pictures intending to end up letting things go too far?... again, most likely not. NOBODY falls in a day, lives simply don't crumble in one single day outside of a tragedy that couldn't be avoided.... ABSOLUTELY NOBODY gets all bound and can't get out in one single moment.... families that fall apart were crumbling LONG before the divorce papers were signed and every addiction started with a search to end a deep pain.

My point, is that your dream could very well be a reminder to be VERY humble and take GREAT care to remain there.... someday someone is going to need your help, but you won't be able to be any help to them if you are not humble and forget that you once struggled with something yourself.

Feel free to discard if your spirit doesn't agree...
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Post by HistoryMaker17 »

Hi Elijastask,

Congrats on quitting :D I am an exsmoker myself!Just over a year!I was motivated to quit for very similiar reasons.

I dont have so much as an intrept but maybe a thought.

I have read somewhere that smoking has a root of rebellion.
In your dream you stated your daughter in law and grandson was there. Makes me think generational?
These are just some thoughts. Please ditch if it doesnt speak.
I will try to find where I read about smoking being rooted in rebellion.

Phillipians 2:10-11 ..that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven , and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord , to the glory of God the Father.

Post by Joy2dream »

I woke up thinking about this yesterday morning. I pray it helps.
Consider: Is the Lord showing you that you are picking up bad habits. I have to really watch myself or I will pick up things at work and other places such as language, slang, ect. I have seen that when I do this I am not myself but have pulled a part of someone else over to "me".

Ditch if this doesn't minister to you.
I just didn't feel like the regular symbols fit here and I feel like the Lord did give me this for you.

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Joy, sis, I won't pretend to know what the Lord is saying to ET for certain but it may be no coincidence that my question to her and yours were pretty similiar...

I wrote:
Could the Lord be showing you that your partaking of something that He isn't too happy about??
You Wrote:
Is the Lord showing you that you are picking up bad habits.

Elijahtask, I don't mean this in a bad way at all so please don't take offense to it...I know with myself even the Lord has used this type of symbolization to ask myself the same questions...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.