mother gives me a station wagon

Archives for 2007
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mother gives me a station wagon

Post by LarrytheDreamer »

In this dream from this morning, I was at my mother's house. She was so nice and was smiling alot. She told me that she was giving me a station wagon. I told her that I appreciated it, but I would rather fly back home in a couple hours than drive for a couple days. I remember being in the station wagon and was driving it down the interstate while she was in the passengers seat smiling and very youthful. (I'm sure she was the Holy Spirit). I remember seeing the dashboard the most.
At one point she told me to get off the exit to the right and I told her she should keep the station wagon. I purposefully missed the exit and went to the next exit which was a left exit.

Then the scene changed and I was telling some young peole about 3 guys who got their lower halfs bitten off by sharks.

So now I don't know if I was asleep or awake and I was thinking about the dream. I said "Holy Spirit, I accept any station wagon or anything you are giving me"!!!

Post by kimibrew »

Maybe just guess work here, ok?

I know cars are a common symbol for ministry but I was thinking that the focus was on a different angle. What if the Lord was talking about a traveling ministry for you. Maybe one that is not exactly what you'd choose. I was thinking about how a station wagon would have the ability to carry provision like a house on that made me think of ministry with the Holy Spirit in the wagon held all the provision you could possibly need and with His direction it might get you to different locations??

