Worm In My Head

Archives for 2007

Worm In My Head

Post by motormodsrod »

I had a dream that I was in my bathroom at home. I was standing and had an itch on the back of my neck. I remember scratching it and as I scratched I started pulling out something that felt like a worm with my nail. I pulled it out far enough to grab it with my thumb and index fingers. When I gripped it, it tried to go back in like when you try and pull an earthworm out of the ground. I gripped it harder and kind of yanked a little. I felt it give and actually felt it coming out all the way from inside my right ear out the back of my neck. After I pulled it out, I put it in my hand and it was squirming wildly and appeared to be about four times longer than when I pulled it out. It was a flesh pink in color, like the fake earthworms used for fishing. I put it in the sink and added some water to the sink (very little) hoping it would hold the worm in there while I went to get my wife and kids when all of a sudden, it found the overflow hole on the side of the sink and went in there. This was my dream. I felt pretty grossed out when I woke up. Any thoughts? [/b]

Post by Joy2dream »


Please consider with prayer:
I see the worm as a parasite that is hindering you from hearing rightly. I feel like this dream is to cleanse you from that and the Holy Spirit is showing you that you are able to pull away from the negetative words, ect. that are blocking you from hearing Him. When the worm is put into the water (symbolic of the Holy Spirit), even a little of the Holy Spirit makes the worm go down the drain and into the sewer.

Welcome and Jesus Bless You!

Post by motormodsrod »

Thank you. You are actually an answer to my prayer. I didn't even know this type of Christian website existed and I believe through the Holy Spirit leading me, I found it. This dream was very powerful and It is still vivid in my mind. I've been praying some since I had the dream not completely sure it was a divine message and thought from when I woke up, it might be a cleansing dream but I wasn't sure. I did feel a sense of relief after I was awake and still feel relieved. I have been going through quite a spiritual battle for many years and going through it, sometime things can get quite mind boggling. I continuously pray for the strength to get through it and to be able to stand my ground for the heart of Jesus and for people who do not know Him. I know the battle is not over. I know it will be a while before it is over but through the confirmation you have given me, I know I have, with the help of the Holy Spirit, defeated a stronghold that has been with me for a while. The world is very blessed to have such a website. Keep up the God work!
Mark 16 NKJV :D - And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[b] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” :D
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Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:50 am
Location: Sweden

Post by Krista »

Yanno... quite intresting that I just now read this. I JUST listened to a sermon about worms from the inside. I'll post the link here. (I hope thats ok)

http://www.joncourson.com/teaching/teac ... anksgiving

I think it's the first or second one, either way you can't really go wrong, but the one about the worms is really a good one!

Oh wait, I think it's actually the one called "Whats eating you?"