Huge Spider Demon, Hard to Say Jesus

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Huge Spider Demon, Hard to Say Jesus

Post by dbliss22 »

I was in my home was in the dream, and I saw a spider that was the biggest, ugliest thing I had ever seen. It was in a laundry basket and would hop slowly up the clothes. Its body was so big it seemed like its legs couldn’t quite hold its weight. I decided I was going to go get a gun to kill it. I went upstairs where there were 2 bb gun pistols and one real pistol. I grabbed the real one and loaded it and walked toward the downstairs laundry room. My brother and my dad stopped me and asked me what I was doing. I told them about the spider and that I was going to kill it. My dad told me not to use the real gun and to go back and get one of the bb guns. My brother decided he wanted to help me kill it so he quickly moved to grab a bb gun as well, kinda like he was racing me. I got to the gun, but my brother wouldn’t let me have any bb’s so I had to find some. I found some of my own after searching but he had already gone down to the laundry room. When I walked into the room, I was expecting the spider to be dead, but instead my brother was kneeling in a corner of the room, speaking with the spider. The spider was now much bigger, and had hair running down its head like the hair of a woman. It was big enough now that it looked like a floating head as it walked around with hair running behind it. I could hear the spider telling him that it was basically good etc etc. and it had rearranged the room to a way that it would protect itself as it walked around. The spider was not speaking in a vocal way, but rather it was telepathic. I could feel that this thing was not the way it described itself, so I loaded my bb gun and shot it a bunch of times. Nothing happened. The spider was too big now to be hurt by the bb guns, and it proudly walked around saying it couldn’t be harmed now. Many thoughts were going through my head, most of which were thoughts of just leaving the spider be and never coming in this room again, but one thought kept pulsating through my head: This is my house, this is my room, get it out of here. So, as it was walking around proudly, I prayed against it. I prayed a strong prayer and it writhed and contorted and looked at me in pain. As I was praying I began to say “in the power and the name of Jesus Christ,” however it was as if the spider was keeping me from saying the name of Jesus. In the dream I couldn’t say His name. I tried so hard to say it that I pulled myself out of the dream (I was still in the dream…I know its confusing but it was like a dream within a dream...and I pulled myself out of that dream into another dream) to say “Jesus” and then went immediately back into the dream to finish with “Christ.” The spider exploded and was gone. I told my brother that the spider was not truly a spider but was a demon, and that he needs to be more careful. I then prayed a victory prayer to thank the Lord for the victory over the enemy, and I remember specifically closing the prayer with the request for the Lord to “bless us through our obedience.”
Psalms 144:1
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Post by piano »

Hi dbliss,

This scripture seems to correlate nicely.

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" (2 Corinthians 10:4).
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by bjcollin »

Great Dream, lots to learn from in there about spiritual warfare. Reminds me of a story my 11 year old son and I read once in Scouts at a campfire.... Little miss muffett sitting on a tuffet eating her curds and whey, when along came a spider which sat down beside her and frightened miss muffet away. Then little miss muffet went to her truck and got out her .357 and she blew that poor spider away. Thats the Texas version. haha Anyway, I feel that in the dream you were instructed by your father to trade the real gun for the bb guns to show you just how ineffective we in our own strength are, but the Name of Jesus is power and we rely on Him. We fight warfare in the spiritual realm. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you. He must flee at the mighty name of Jesus. The enemy knows this so he tries to prevent you from saying the name of Jesus.

in Christ,
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Post by Renewed »

spiders in dreams usually speaks of witchcraft in operation........
Life without God is like a unsharpened pencil. It has no point.