DIL performing Brain Surgery on My husband :oP

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DIL performing Brain Surgery on My husband :oP

Post by Linda »


Hi I think I finally figured out this board!

Any way i had a totally disgusting dream the other day about my husband, one of my daughter-in-laws and myself.

I had been speaking with an aunt-in-law the day before about a cousin-in-law who had brain surgery several years ago because of seizures for real. they had to remove part of her brain. (she is doing well in that area amazingly!) PTL I do pray she meets Jesus as Savior!

The Dream (Nightmare is more the word for it!) :mrgreen:
I told her Bob had some sort of lesions on his brain. (Not really but in the dream)

Shesaidshe couldtake care of it and asked me to get something for her to cut them out. The weird part is I complied! The weirder part was my husband was already seated on my maple coffee table and ready to let her do this!
I went to the kitchen for knife or spoon for her to scoop them out with.

She went in to the back of his skulland proceeded to cut and gouge out stuff.
While I watched in horror and amazement at what she was doing and She handed me pink (blood) tinged matter twice once was when she finished. This "blood" got on my fingertips of my right hand especially. I threw this matter into the wastebasket in my kitchen twice.

As she finished the "job"; I turned my back and headed down the hall saying to them that I thought this was a really bad idea especially with no antiseptic and anesthesia! He could get a serious infection plus other serious things! I don't know why he allowed this to take place when we had access to a really good brain surgeon (Dr Broker) an excellent neurosurgeon.

Thorough out this my husband never uttered a word he just complied!
I awakened (mercifully) and then my husband called for real. I told him about the dream and we laughed but it was not and is not funny to me!

I think this dream has strong meanings to it. I have some thoughts but I think I am missing something. The expression "Picking your brain: comes to my mind and also "Mind Control".

I have severe RA all over my body and my right hand has been flaring worse than the left causing a lot of pain. I don't know if that relates.

Anyone care to take this one on?

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Post by Charys »

Hi Linda,
Oddly enough I posted a poem about brain surgery in the prayer section. It's about the 8th post down.


For me it represented a renewing of the mind. I learned that people are often allowed to regain consciousness during brain surgery because the brain itself doesn't have the same pain receptors as other parts of the body. Their co-operation is often required to help delineate the trouble spot.

I wonder if this may be about uncomfortable identification and removal of wrong thoughts that ought not to be there. This process sometimes causes loved ones to see stuff they would rather not and can force them to deal with yucky stuff that has rubbed off on them. Psalm 139 comes to mind:
23Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
24And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.

The problem in the dream seems to be that the person doing the procedure is not qualified to be rumaging around in there. I wonder if daughter-in-law might refer to something born of the law, rather than of grace. A broker, can be an sort of intermediary, someone who makes a transaction on your behalf. Perhaps in this case the patient needed to be more patient and wait for Jesus to deal with the problem. Perhaps when the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts of sin, it is less likely to cause infection or festering because the sorrow that is from God leads to Godly repentance resulting in becoming forgiven and perfectly clean.

2 Corinthians 7:10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

--for your discernment, of course--
...that I might know Him...
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Post by Linda »

Hi Charys,
THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY! I am sorry that I am getting back to you late but with the Holiday and Te RA flare I have not been keeping up too well. I was behind with duties over at the other the DFH group also.

Anyway I really agree with what you said.

I didn't think of applying Broker as as a Broker. I spelled his name wrongly it is Brocker; but it is pronounced "BROKER". So I do agree with this too!

I am licensed real estate agent (just doing Referrals) so I know what a broker does. They have a number of duties and a couple of of them are to to oversee the coming together of the representing agents and to and their clients (buyer and seller); and to make sure (if they are scrupulous) that the whole operation is run ethically. properly and smoothly.

I wonder if in the dream my husband was representing himself and my son. My husband tends to let people walk on him even if it includes me being hurt very seriously the in the process. Quite a few times his excuse was "It is is family! My reply is what am I oatmeal? I won't go into it but it is not good.

This woman has a penchant for turning circumstances around to look like everything is his fault. She has said how if he doesn't door does something she doesn't like that she punishes him and won't speak to him.
She is not necessarily lying she just leave out details and puts her own spin on things when she tells me about them. (Things believe I do not want to know. I feel: It Ain't my business!" I don t want in the middle! I just want my family get-togethers!

She has been as him seeing a psychiatrist now. (She made him stop going to church a long time ago!) She and her mom are to Sylvia Brown and my granddaughter has vampire pics and Stone Henge on her BR walls. My son is totally henpecked by a wife two daughters and a MIL.

Jealousy runs rampant in that family. It is more far more than legalism. There is mind control and manipulation going on. Their are powers of darkness in operation. (She and her mom like Sylvia Brown and my granddaughter is allowed to have pics of the characters from Twighlight and Stonehenge on her bedroom walls. :oP

Their is more; but I will spare you! :o) It is just that I think you have nailed it!

Thank you also for your prayer about the illness the devil is trying to take me out with! (It is not mine it came from the devil not my Lord! I refuse ownership of it!

I really appreciate it and you a whole lot! You do not know how much! Of course it is all right for you to pray I appreciate your reaching out!
Love in Jesus

Love In Jesus
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of All!

There is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to Shun