Romans 1359 and the Audible Voice of God

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Romans 1359 and the Audible Voice of God

Post by iluvyahweh »

I was in the center of a town that I used to live in, called Blairgowrie. I was standing at the Well Meadow, and I was looking up towards the corner of Allan Street. It was at night, and dark. A fight broke out, and I was observing. Two men were fighting, and the strange thing was they had super-human strength. They were throwing each other through walls, and ripping holes in wooden boards. The boarded walls were dark red and orange.

I decided to leave, and I walked in the other direction towards the traffic lights before the bridge. Next, I turned right, and walked up the hill to get out of town. As I walked up towards Corey's corner, i thought that an old enemy of mine would be looking to have a fight with me. I then decided that I would fly.

I started flapping my arms, as if I were a big bird, and I flapped them by my sides. (I do this a lot in dreams.) I then elevated straight upwards, about 30-40 feet. I began to fly towards home, and was heading in the direction of the Coupar Angus road. I as I was flying, I was flying vertical in the air (i.e. as a man stands), and not horizontal.

Next, I began to fall backwards, as if falling into a sleep. I then entered into a dream (within my dream.). In the dream I heard a voice, very clear, and very audible. I began to realise that it was God the Father speaking to me. I also thought to myself - 'this is the audible voice of god, not an inner voice, not in my mind's eye, but the audible voice of God.' He started telling me things, and I cannot remember all of them but they were good things. He also said that they were to happen now.

Next, I was conscious that I had woken up from the dream (while still dreaming in reality.) I was speaking to my mother and father. I told them about me flying as a bird, and I described it to show them the motions of my arms. When I did this, my mum motioned and asked the question - was it like a sparrow? Then my Dad said: 'No - it was like a big bird of prey.'

We started talking more about the dream and what it could mean. I then heard another voice say loudly: Romans 1359! I knew in my spirit that there was not a Romans 13:59 in the bible (which turned out to be the case.) A voice then said, this is why your father was allowed to live, and this is the reason for his salvation. Dream End.

Post by Kbrown »

Are you battling or struggling with anything in your personal or spiritual life? The men could be angels warring on your behalf. The flying could be the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. God has spoken verses to me before, but sometimes you have to go beyond the numbers as you hear them. Could it be Romans 13: 5-9??

Just a few thoughts that came up in me. I could be way off, you know best what is trying to say. And if you ask Him to clarify he will.

God bless you.
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Post by iluvyahweh »

Hi kbrown, yup, i have lots of challenges on my plate at the moment - and i'm weary.

I agree that the men could indeed be angelic, although they seemed to be fighting each other.

In terms of Romans 1359, I did think also like you, that it could mean 13 v5-9 - so thanks for that!

Romans 13 is quite a controversial chapter of the bible though - for some - so I'll need to really ponder this in my spirit as to what it means in the context of this dream.

The Romans 1359 bit is the bit that I'm really interested in, and I don't want to miss what Father is saying to me here.

Many Blessings & I appreciate your insight