Cancer Surgery

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Cancer Surgery

Post by lainey68 »

I have to give a little background on this. Many years ago, I worked at a place called The Batcave. It was a place where some aerospace experiments (satellite tracking) were conducted. It is no longer in existence and the last time I worked there was more than 15 years ago.

The other thing is that this past summer, one of my co-workers was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and had to have radical surgery. Basically, they removed everything inside of her that was not a vital organ. That being said...

I dreamed I was working at the Batcave. Somehow, I found out that I had cancer. I said to my current boss, 'I just found out I have the same type of cancer as Kim. I'm leaving and will be out for awhile'. I had an electronic device of some sort in my hand. I don't know what it was or what it did, but it was black.

When I got outside, Kim was there with another lady whom I've never seen. The lady had a pink dress with white polka dots or some sort of design. She was very friendly. I had on a dress, and Kim teased me saying, 'Oh, I see you have on a dress', and then the other lady did, too. It was all good natured. We all got into a convertible car. I guess they were taking me to Kim's doctor.


Should I be concerned about this dream, or was it just a dream? My co-worker Kim has done exceptionally well. She is back at work after being off for just 2 months from having this major surgery.

I'm not usually a worry wart, but I've had a couple dreams about a red stone in my stomach. And I just remembered that many years ago a man prophesied to me about not having surgery that would prohibit me from having children. I do have a daughter, but she's 19. I can't remember if she was born when this man prophesied to me or not. Also, for many years various people would pray for the fruit of my womb (even after my daughter was born). I'm not married and I'm in my early 40s, so I'm not expecting any more children. The dream didn't scare me, but it does concern me. Should I be? Is it literal or symbolic, and if symbolic, of what?

I walked out the door of the Batcave. In
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Posts: 195
Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:49 am

Post by lainey68 »

oops--I'm not sure what happened. The last sentence was supposed to be in the middle of my post. Sorry :)