Tomorrow Land

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Tomorrow Land

Post by Victorious »

It seems as though I’m always having Disney World dreams! And usually I am there with the same family from my church. These dreams have got to mean something!

This dream started with it being early in the morning before Disney even opens. A friend was there with me (wife/mom of the aforementioned family), we were walking around outside of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (in Frontier Land). The real tracks to the ride were gone (I think it was supposed to be before Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was fully built), and in their place were thin wooden strips to mark where the rails should go, and they were tacked down with headless finishing nails, but the nails weren’t driven in all the way. We seemed to be walking around this area for a long time; it seemed like we had some sort of job there.

We decided to ride Space Mountain (in Tomorrow Land), and I put my purse in my lap, and debated with myself if I should wear my glasses and risk losing them on the ride, or put them in my purse for safekeeping, but not be able to see anything on the ride. I decided to take my chances and wear them.

The ride seemed to take a long time, and it changed from Space Mountain to a slower ride, kind of a cross between the the Tomorrow Land People Mover & the Carousel of Progress (also in Tomorrow Land). Only instead of seeing Tomorrow Land (if we were on the People Mover), we were seeing miniature rooms of a house. Another friend was with us, and we were all talking about how nice the house was, and I said I would love to have a house like that. I realized that the rooms appeared to actually be the rooms of my IRL house, only more nicely decorated.

We turned a corner going right and I told my friends this was taking too long and I needed to go. I was texting with my husband about taking our kids on rides. It was getting late and we still hadn’t taken them on any rides. It was dusk and I said we had time to take them on at least a couple of rides before we left. I was begging him … it was going to be devastating to me if we couldn’t take them on any rides.

This last part of the dream seemed to be a “re-run” … I don’t specifically remember dreaming it before, but it seems like I have.
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Post by MJ »


Upon reading your dream I had a sense that God is going to give you an adventure in your natural/physical and spiritual walk---some parts of the adventure is also a testing of your flesh, like a life lesson.

It would seem that you are person who has the tendency to say, "let's get on with it." But, you also know when to stop and admire what God is doing around you. That appears to be a good mix or balance in your personality.

Your dream seems somewhat complex, with many twists and turns, and yet it is set in Disney World---a place to forget your cares and just enjoy the moment. The care you take with your glasses would indicate your desire to keep things in their place. You chose to wear the glasses so you won't miss seeing anything.

I sense the Lord may be telling you in the dream that what He has in store for you is better than anything you could plan for yourself, and also to rest and relax in Him.

That is what I feel the Spirit is leading me to share with you. Please pray about it and see if it bears witness with your spirit.


"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by bjcollin »

I was in Disney World's Adventure land and Tomorrow land a few summers ago, it really is a magical kingdom. I related the magical kingdom in your dream to God's kingdom that we as Christians are all to be a part of. Frontier land is Disneys idea on the land of adventure and of building and blazing a trail through the wild west frontier where none have gone before. Tomorrow land is Disneys idea on what the future might be like.

So to me the message of the dream is that eventhough your currently in a relationship journey with this other couple from your church... The adventure of life your going through at this time is still being built together. It is in the construction phases right now and everything is not totally nailed down yet or in other words the tracks or path has not been laid out and it is not totally set yet, but it is already planned for and the plans of the Lord are already in place it just needs to be worked on and built. The long times in the dream speaks to me that this will be a long time process. It takes a long time to build relationships and move things forward.

There also seems to be a message in the dream that as friends you have a destiny and a job for the Lord to do together in the future that the Lord is currently preparing yall for. Your currently trying to see what this future holds by deciding to keep your glasses on. The Lord in the next part of the dream seems to be giving you a glimpse into a future state and that is progress forward, the Lord is building you and He is the one that decorates or adornes you and He is the one that constructs in your life.

The last part of the dream is a little unclear to me, but it seems to be that you need to be building something into the lives of your children to pass it along to the next generation. You need to help them see their relationship with the Lord as this life journey with the Lord that they are on also. In the dream you think this is a re-run and it probably is in that this is a repetitive message of the Lord. To me we need to start this as young as possible with our children so that we build it into them before it gets too late.

Thanks for sharing the dream. Hope this helped. I really loved this dream and the visual memories it brought back for me.

in Christ,
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Post by Victorious »

Thank you both! That helps clear things up a little, even if I don’t understand exactly what it means.
The last part of the dream is a little unclear to me, but it seems to be that you need to be building something into the lives of your children to pass it along to the next generation. You need to help them see their relationship with the Lord as this life journey with the Lord that they are on also. In the dream you think this is a re-run and it probably is in that this is a repetitive message of the Lord. To me we need to start this as young as possible with our children so that we build it into them before it gets too late.
Yes, in the last part of the dream, I felt such a sense of urgency, but my husband didn’t. So that makes sense, as I feel a sense of urgency about my husband coming back to the Lord and raising our children in the ways of the Lord, and it just doesn’t seem to matter to him.

Definitely a lot to ponder and pray about, and I believe the Magic Kingdom that I’m always dreaming of really is symbolic of God’s kingdom. Wish I’d picked up on that before - I’ve had soooo many Disney dreams. I’ll have to go back now and read them all w/ a fresh perspective!