A dream about my father

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A dream about my father

Post by desertrose »

The first part of the dream recurrs several times as the same pattern, I am in a wheelchair (but I dont need one) and my father pushes me through the supermarket as we are shopping....he guides the chair around effortlessly - taking the same route through the supermarket...

On the last occasion he starts to bump the wheelchair into crates in the aisle altho when I bend down to see the damage what should be wheelchair looks like his car ...more and more he starts bumping into things and I ask if he is alright..he says yes I am fine.

Then I look up and see he doesnt look well and I ask him to get into the chair so I can push him...he refuses -insisting he is alright. Then he starts talking utter nonsense....about all the young girls chasing after him!! I get out of the wheelchair and see he is delirious and about to pass out...he resists as I try and get him into the chair...I start screaming for someone to ring an ambulance and as he passes out I manage to make sure he falls into the wheelchair....dream ends..

I woke up from this with my heart pounding -as my dad is unsaved,....any insights?
Be blessed and keep sweet !