Weird Supermarket and Unusual Blessings

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Weird Supermarket and Unusual Blessings

Post by desertrose »

I was on an unknown highway and looped around and drove into what I thought was a supermarket. There were a few ordinary parks but for some reason I parked in an odd place under a tree right at the front door.

I walked into the automatic doors and immediately thought -this isnt a supermarket - its a there were boxes and bale sized sacks stacked against the walls. I looked to the end of the room and about 4 feet from the ground the back wall receded into a long cubby type room. I could see fridges and freezers at the end so I thought - thats where the frozen vegetables must be kept I climbed up and started to crawl through towards the fridges. I was thinking - this is really awkward for customers. The cubby area got immediately smaller and I found myself wedged with my arms stuck forward. Each time I tried to use my arms to manouvre backwards then my shoulders would get stuck.

As I was trying to free myself I could here a man's voice saying over the supermarket loudspeaker to staff - that there was a female customer stuck in the frozen vege department.

Immediately after I am walking towards the checkout with a few small items - counting up their price in my head - they came to a total of $5.69. When I got to the checkout the lady serving me was smiling and asked me if I was the lady who got stuck - we were laughing and talking together as she passed the items over the scanner and the till printed a docket for $100 dollars - I queried it - then the till printed me a winning lotto ticket which was black in colour which had a 1 on it followed by a number of zeros - I cant remember how many, then as I was commenting on how blessed I was - the till printed another docket which gifted me something else - possibly a holiday or house or similar - it was like I was just getting more blessed.

dream ends but the funny thing was that after I woke up I started laughing all over again with a real joy in my spirit - it was like even though I knew it was just a dream - the actual "joy and blessing" felt real.
Be blessed and keep sweet !