Eagle Dreams A-GAIN!

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Eagle Dreams A-GAIN!

Post by dborah777 »

Hi Family,

I know I posted about my eagle dream last week!!! Well, I KEEP dreaming about eagles. This morning I had a dream with eagles in it! We were entering a restaurant the first day and there was a beautiful eagle that had the freedom to fly around the room at will. It was beautiful to watch, and he disturbed no one. The second day someone brought a bag in the restaurant with a brown and white eagle in it. This eagle was huge! He did not bother anyone, but his sheer size was intimidating. The last day we went into the restaurant, someone let another eagle out of the bag. This eagle was so gi-normous that everyone left the restaurant. My brother was with me all three times, but he was scared this time and left as well. I ventured back into the building before anyone else, and realized that the eagle was not going to harm anyone. People starting coming back into the restaurant. I woke up.

IRL, I did NOT want the dream to end. Although I was a little frightened the second and third time, the fear left when I went back into the restaurant with the eagle.

Thanx for any help you can give.
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Post by ReBorn »

Cool dream

In my personal dream dictionary,
eagles represent the prophetic and restaurants represent churches.

these are just thoughts

but it sounds like there are some prophets who are coming into your church with words that carry great authority (they were so large it scared people)

it was probably because the Lord himself had given them His words to speak! (The Lord should be HUGE in our eyes!)

You weren't afraid because the Lord is also a good shepherd!

hope this helps......
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by Jehu »

This is not an interpretation but this verse has been on my mind. It is largely overlooked. Luke 17:37And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body [is], thither will the eagles be gathered together.

This concept seems very important to me.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by dborah777 »

Hi Reborn,

What a magnificent interpretation... I believe it aligns itself not only with scripture, but is a powerful addition to the interpretations that have already been rendered. Your view of this also speak to the Body of Christ at large. Thank you soooooooo much... you can be SURE it helps!!!!!!
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Post by dborah777 »

Hi Jehu,

WOW! I TRULY appreciate your input! It made me do some serious studying, and I tremendously enjoyed AND needed that. I read Luke 17 in it's entirety so that I could get the "whole" picture of what that verse was saying. I was generally used to seeing that world translated there as "vultures", not eagles! I looked up some great information on a site called, "God Didn't Say That (Bible Translations and Mistranslations)!" Here is what I found, which should be of profound interest to you:

The Greek aetos is usually translated “vulture” in Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37, but “eagle” in Revelation 4:7, 8:13, and 12:14. Why?

The answer has to do with how words — for animals, in this case — are used metaphorically.

In English a “vulture” is different than an “eagle” — and we also have hawks, falcons, turkey vultures (“buzzards”), eagle owls, and more — but beyond the zoological differences, the two words also represent very different qualities: a vulture is usually bad, while an eagle is usually good.

“Eyes like an eagle” refers to someone who has the good fortune of seeing well, as does “eyes like a hawk.” “Eyes like a vulture,” though not a common expression, to me indicates something nefarious.

“Waiting around like vultures,” too, refers to something untoward. “Waiting around like eagles” — again, not a common expression — to me is neutral or positive.

To “soar like an eagle” is a good thing, while “to soar like a vulture” — even though vultures and eagles soar almost exactly the same way — is bad.

I think that all of this is important because it highlights an important fact about how language works: the associations of a word extend beyond the literal meaning of the word.

In Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37, the aetos birds gather around (dead) bodies. That’s what “vultures” stereotypically do in English.

Revelation 4:7, which matches Ezekiel 1:10, mentions a lion, an ox, a human, and an eagle. It’s hard to know if, in that context, aetos was supposed to be positive (soaring like an eagle, for example) or negative (perhaps like an ox that gores). But certainly to the extent that the four animals are used to represent the four evangelists, and, in particular, to the extent that John is an aetos, only “eagle” works in English. (Question: Do you think we should we let that later interpretation influence our translation decision?)

In the OT, aetos is used for nesher. We find the word in Isaiah 40:31, for example, where it is clearly positive: people who wait for God are compared to eagles.

In Exodus we see the well-known image of “wings of Eagles,” upon which God lifted up the Israelites. There “wings of vultures” certainly doesn’t work in English.

In Habakkuk 1:8, though, nesher (and aetos) are used as a predatory image: The Chaldeans “fly like a nesher, quick to devour.” Though most translations go with “eagle” here, I think “vulture” is better.

(Micah 1:6 is interesting, too, because it uses the phrase, bald “like the eagle.” Eagles aren’t bald — not even the bald eagle — but vultures are.)

Deuteronomy 14:12-18 and Leviticus 11:13-19 both contain lists of birds that are not to be eaten. Though it’s almost impossible now to know what each word represented there, we do see evidence of an advanced ornithological taxonomy.

But I think that the zoology here is irrelevant. In most of these cases, the difference between an “eagle” and a “vulture” is a question not for bird experts, but more generally for English speakers.

Thank you again, Jehu, for taking out your precious time to respond to me. Your response was of great benefit. God bless you.
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Post by keilani »

ALoha sister, read through your post and I had to share that just last night, I had a vision of eagles also:) Some of the things the Lord spoke to me in that vision regarded soaring to a higher spiritual level and not returning down to the realm from which I came up from ( i understood this to mean don't go back to the natural realm where I am locked in by natural circumstances). The scripture that came to mind is the one found in Is 55:8-9:

8“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD.
“And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
9For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so my ways are higher than your ways
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

So i came back to look at your dream in regards to this vision and if I look at it with this understanding, what I would see is that the progression of eagles was symbolic of our thought life and therefore our ability or what we will be able to accomplish.

In Is 55 I got the revelation one day that BECAUSE my thoughts are not like His, my ways CANNOT be either. So if I want to know the God of old, with whom nothing is impossible, I have to shed the natural boundaries of limitations my mind has been accustomed to and meditate His thoughts or His Word.

People tend to be comfortable moving within a certain realm but once you tell them to start thinking God thoughts, it gets intimidating (ie the 10 spies vs the 2 when they went to spy out the Promised Land). The Land (the Promise) was VERY much theirs, in fact had already been given to them, but because they chose to meditate fear and inadequacy and their limitations (our enemies/circumstance is bigger than us and bigger than God's promise to us/word), they couldn't receive His best.

But we know by Joshua and Caleb's choice to take God at His Word that His Word alone WAS sufficient as long as they thought like He did and said like He said!

I wonder if that intimidation felt by the eagle was the intimidation that comes from the magnitude of His thoughts-in the natural we may feel inadequate, but truth is, we ARE Kings and Priests on this earth under THE King of kings and The High Priest.

Don't know if you're facing something that seems insurmountable that He is calling you to come up to His level of thinking so that He can deliver you. In order for us to leave our present and our limitations, it starts by meditating on His ability found in His Word...and sure enough, that seed sown will one day sprout into a plant that you can harvest--healing, provision, whatever the seed you sowed was for. His word is incorruptible and will produce every time.

Be encouraged sister! Standing in faith for His BEST, HIS ABSOLUTE BEST, to manifest in your life:) aloha love!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Post by dborah777 »

Keilani, all I can say is WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! This is like "manna from heaven!" This gave me SO much food for thought -- perhaps that's why the setting in this last dream was a restaurant! Hmmmm?

It is interesting to note that eever since my accident last year, I have been catapulted to a place I never dreamed I would be, with people I never dreamed I would be around. I now live with 3 of my childhood friends (my adopted brothers and sister -- our parents knew each other before any of us were born -- I have NEVER not known them)! This particular brother is a very well known and, might I add, excellent and wonderful pastor who loves the Lord and pastors in St. Louis. About 6 months after my accident, my brother invited an Apostle to come for a miracle healing crusade. I was the first person healed! Next thing I know, because of the association with my brother, I was "drafted" into "hanging out" with all of these people who are definitely "eagles" in the Kingdom of God. I don't mind saying that I was perfectly and absolutely fine to "observe" them do their thing -- but God has begun pushing me out of my comfort zone like you would not believe. I HATED to leave Atlanta; I absolutely loved it! You don't leave Atlanta and go to St. Louis unless GOD tells you to do so! (lol) Everything literally began closing up in Atlanta, and doors began to fly open here...

Okay, enough said, I am pretty sure I see the reason for these dreams now! The Lord told me to stop looking back and to join my brother's church! I did that today! I am now preparing to submit all of my paperwork to get my mortuary license in St. Louis! I'm doing things I NEVER thouht I would do! GOD IS TRULY OPENING DOORS!

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Keilani... WOW! The truth of the matter is that one part of me operated in fear, and the other part didn't care! All that has changed now!

I asked the Lord to make me over... never did I think that being run over by a car would start the process! It is what I call an Extreme Makeover of the God Kind!

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Keilani! As soon as I see your name, I KNOW something good and wonderful is coming with it!

You already KNOW what it's like to soar with the eagles... Now you're helping me, and countless others who read your post!

I love you, my sister! Blessings and Aloha (for now)!
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Post by keilani »

WOW!! So exciting sister, your dreams are coming to pass! And gosh, I had to chuckle at your comment about your Extreme Makeover of the God kind lol--you know but honestly, I think in His wisdom and love, even in something others would've seen as tragic, He was fashioning His perfect plan and moving you in line with Him! The scripture that came to mind was in Job 5:18 For though he wounds, he also bandages. He strikes, but his hands also heal.

We know it's not His nature to hurt us but from what I have gleaned from teachers of the Word is that the first part of the sentence is the permissive action, meaning He allows wounds to happen but then He comes to heal and bandage us up--and I believe He then moves us in a greater place than we were before!

Sister, you sharing that was a GREAT encouragement and testimony of His love and goodness....and also that others may tell you it's over, you may even think it, but HIS plans go far beyond what we could ever imagine and victory is the end for those who will contend in faith for His Promises to manifest in our lives!

Keep soaring with the eagles HE has put you in the company of! I am excited to hear how things unfold--write a book lol! Love u!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Post by dborah777 »

Last edited by dborah777 on Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dborah777 »

The Lord is worthy to be praised, Keilani! I can literally SEE, with my mind's eye, the handprint of God all over everything you have said. It is an exciting, and humbling, time to be alive AND a part of the Body of Christ. It is wonderful to have shared this with you.

...and the book is coming... I've already started on it!

Much love... keep on dreaming good dreams... meet you back here, different time, different day, but the SAME Jesus!

Love you much...caahbHg
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Post by Jehu »

I have considered that the prophets gather to the soma(body). The apostle Paul said that there were week and sick among the Corinthians because they had not properly identified the body of Christ. I personally do not think we understand the Day of the Lord. So I often consider theological concepts that are unusual or different. Even though the scripture testified of Jesus, the pharisees did not recognize him. The verses only make sense if you consider that we have been apostate and are returning to what was originally handed down. We are in the time of the restoration of all things so we must be willing to say: "we know in part" so the perfect can come. Dreams are great for filling in the gaps that we have inherited in our theology. The only reason they translate vulture has to do with there theological predisposition. The word aetos is the word for eagle. We nullify the word of God through the teachings and commandments of men. "Most heresy happens when men take to logical conclusions what God has only revealed in part."
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."