Cleaning ..

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Cleaning ..

Post by Demon_Buster »

HI all
I was in a room like a utility room.
I had a mop in my hand but the mop had no handle.
I was using it to clean of greasy, grungy, slimy, oil stuff on my arms. there was no sink but there was an opening where the sing would be in the wall. I could see down to the sewer.
as I was cleaning the mop would be sucked down into the sewer. the suction was very strong it was hard to hold on to the mop, as it was being pulled down I saw another mop head just ahead of the one I was trying to hang onto but the suction was strong so I let go .
I had a vision during the dream but cant remember it clearly.

next I was at a house, I wanted to go in and get some things that I knew where mine but I was not able to open a door or window only look in.
I must have started shouting cause a guy came out to see what was going on, he said something to me but not sure what. maybe noone there / here.
,I went toward him but he only went back in and closed his door I go back to look in the window I see some things I know are mine but cant get them. I must have said something cause the guy comes out again and says something to me I did not catch it, then he says stop shouting, and heads back to his door, now I see a hose and crab it but thinking it might reach , I want to use the hose to soak him. start going towards him with the hose. EOD
And if The Anointing will remain with you which you have received from him, you do not need anyone to teach you, but as The Anointing who is from God is teaching you about everything, and is true.