Leave it to Beaver

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Leave it to Beaver

Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

I saw Beaver (Theodore) Cleaver of "Leave it to Beaver" tv show. He had out a large container of ice cream and was eating it. Next to the ice cream was a large apple fritter. The ice cream was melting. Wally Cleaver, his brother in the show, spoke to his dad about college. Wally was in college. Wally spoke to a friend of his about college. He said, "You don't understand." . To illustrate the point, Wally sat down on the edge of the street curb, put out a small table in front of him, and on it placed a music book that was open and standing up. Wally was going to play a musical instrument for tips. [To earn money, I sense for college].

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Post by SpecialK »

Hello Pearls,
The definition for a beaver is industrious and 'busy as a beaver'.
Wally= Ruler of the Army. Hope this helps some.
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Blessings, SpecialK

Some of what I was thinking of as well. Just do not know why in this hour I dreamt of this tv family when I have not watched their show in a long time. Nor was I a participant in the dream described.

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Post by underhiswing »

That family represents the multiple aspects of a young man growing up ...maturing into a man. Wally, as the older, was the lead in growth and faced more serious issues. His friend was Wally's mischievous alter ego that needed approval and love, and Beaver was the curious innocent unspoiled by the world so far.

The youngest boy indulges in his innocence and simple pleasures (ice cream), while the older talks seriously about his near future with the wise (holy) "Father".

I wonder who the friend is that "doesn't understand", or maybe, what part of you needs to do the hard work of getting it straight...understanding it all.

College can represent "higher earning" spiritual or intellectual. (or both)...and yet he wound up on the street (streets) playing/ministering for tips/donations/contributions/ being paid via the Lords influence on others. Was that his "higher calling" or his poor choice in life??

Any of this ring bells in your spiritual or emotional life?
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

I have been pondering on and praying about this dream and your response for over a week now. BTW, thank you very much for responding, much food for thought!

I just don't know.

There are personal things I desire to do that I feel would help me be a better soldier in God's Army.

I would love to do an online schooling that would give me an Associate's Degree and or a Bacherlor's Degree in spiritual/biblical type studies. I feel strongly on that, but it requires both money and the ability to take such studies on, ie. computer, etc.

I would love to have the artwork God placed inside me to bloom; but that also requires money. I know, God is greater than money. He can supply ALL my needs through Christ Jesus. I know this. Just desire to see it manifest.

And other things.

I pray.

God Bless.

In the dream, Wally was concerned about how to make his finances to be in college. Not sure about the side-street music making, but it had to do with him picking up money somehow. Beaver was eating ice cream. The round carton with melting ice cream was because I think he was waiting for someone to join him with it. Just some thoughts.

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Post by underhiswing »

[quote="Pearls of Wisdom"]
I would love to do an online schooling that would give me an Associate's Degree and or a Bacherlor's Degree in spiritual/biblical type studies. I feel strongly on that, but it requires both money and the ability to take such studies on, ie. computer, etc. .......This is confirmation that you are Wally in the dream.

I would love to have the artwork God placed inside me to bloom; but that also requires money. I know, God is greater than money. He can supply ALL my needs through Christ Jesus. I know this. Just desire to see it manifest. ...........This part of the dream is showing you that your talent will earn you that money, and that it will not require money "first". I would seek some ways to present your talent to the public , as is depicted in the dream.
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

underhiswing wrote:
Pearls of Wisdom wrote: I would love to do an online schooling that would give me an Associate's Degree and or a Bacherlor's Degree in spiritual/biblical type studies. I feel strongly on that, but it requires both money and the ability to take such studies on, ie. computer, etc. .......This is confirmation that you are Wally in the dream.

I would love to have the artwork God placed inside me to bloom; but that also requires money. I know, God is greater than money. He can supply ALL my needs through Christ Jesus. I know this. Just desire to see it manifest. ...........This part of the dream is showing you that your talent will earn you that money, and that it will not require money "first". I would seek some ways to present your talent to the public , as is depicted in the dream.

I am listening. Will continue to pray and seek Him on all of this. Am in agreement. I wrote down some things to share as I was also reflecting and praying about the "Beaver" in the dream.

I like word studies. So here I go...

"Beaver" of Old French castor (13c) from Latin "Beaver" from Greek Kastor, literally, "he who exels."

Theodore, as Beaver was called in the show, means "gift from God." Wally means "ruler of the army."

Beavers are industrious.

Industrious>diligent, busy, occupied
Industry>n. a dept. or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture
Manufacture>process of making wares by hand or machinery

Beavers build dams.

Leave it to Beaver

Cleaver > vb to adhere to firmly and closely or LOYALTY

Wally did not remain ignorant. He said to his friend, "You don't understand."

He (Wally) illustrated his point or statement.
Illustrate: vb. to explain by use of examples; also: demonstrate
To provide with pictures or figures that explain or decorate.

ie. Illustrator.

Illustration. n. an example or instance that helps make something clear.

A "Beaver" constructs.

A "Beaver" builds.

A child-like spirit.

Spirit: n. cap. HOLY SPIRIT; soul. n. loyalty

child-like: Thoughts: ... unless you become "like" a child.

Luke 18:17
"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."

Cross reference with Mark 10:13-16 [The kingdom of god is only for those who come to Jesus in the humble dependence and trust of little children. The kingdom of God belongs to them, not because of merit, but because God wills to give it to the humble, and the apparently insignificant and unimportant] Spirit-Filled Life Bible NKJV notes on Mark 10:13-16 esp. verses 15 and 16.

Beaver chose to eat the ice cream and the apple fritter was available to him. Others could join.

Ice cream and apple fritters are good (luxurious) foods to eat.

I love ice cream and apple fritters. I do not eat apple fritters often because of the expense. They are costly. But, they taste "heavenly-like" to me.

Heavenly: syn. delicious, yummy

The ice cream and apple fritter are fattening. Cream. Like "milk and butter" of the "Promised Land." Heaven is our "Promised Land to believers and followers of Jesus Christ.

Many (the world) think eating fritters are "sinful." Probably because of the cost (luxury) to eat.

Heaven-minded think fritters (a fritter) is of great cost but worth the luxury. Indeed, Heaven is thought of as a luxurious place. It is stately, majestic, opulant, a palace. Words here on earth cannot describe it well enough. But it is for the redeemed of the Lord to spend eternity with Him and more.

A person cannot be "sin-full" and enter into heaven. Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross so that we may taste of heaven if only we repent of our sins, (sin-ful ways) turn unto Him, take up our cross and follow Him and believe.

Children believe most everything told them from an adult they trust.

Proverbs 3:5

"Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

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Post by underhiswing »

As you have probably seen on this site, we can sometimes make things too complicated, and because of that, we miss the simplicity of the message. Consider this....all the pieces have to fit together smoothly and consistently when we put the pieces together in order for a coherent message to be properly delivered to you.

The fact that you like ice cream and fritters and there is not a stand out episode of him being associated with those things, then it can point to You being Beaver too. It could reflect your innocent impressionable side.

Is the friend the part of you that doubts, lacks assurance, or needs to know all details before making a choice or decision...maybe even somewhat slow to receive revelations because of doubts about yourself or about what you heard from the Lord?

If you took every character in the dream, and combined them and their qualities, would they feel like the different aspects of yourself? The Lord may be showing you how to pull these pieces of yourself together and in line, in order to receive what it is He has for you.
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Blessings, I will take your wonderful offerings and pray upon them and seek the Lord for the open doors.

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Post by underhiswing »

..may these blessings you have offered, be multiplied and returned to you.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.