something in house, redhead

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something in house, redhead

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all, hope you are well.
This is a continue of the entry something in my house and the one where I see something attacking the house. Least I believe it it's connected.
Dream starts with me going down a hallway knowing something has gotten into the house. So me and my son search going through gates into each section of the dream house. And finally pass a pool as we work our way out into the neighborhood. I see a fight going on. Do not remember details but I am peeking over a small mound of dirt.
Then suddenly I am in a kitchen. Me, anther person, and a redhead guy....the redhead is fighting the other guy then turns on me. we are pushing shoving then he is able to lean over and bite my upper first incisor molar, the pointed one. He clamps down hard and harder. Then in a slow zoom my vision goes all the way down to the red blood cells. I watch them up close popping, breaking in half. Lots of them being destroyed but not all. Then I also saw lots of white blood cells everywhere too. I saw the outer shell of the tooth. It was like being in a bright white like light making I saw...there was no darkness anywhere. then I slowly zoom out. Then the redhead switched over to the same tooth but other side. The other guy came back trying to help me. Then something was trying to wake me up by poking at my feet. I slowly woke. I reached out but no kid. I looked around. I went back to sleep and it woke me up again an I got to search but all were in bed. I had a dream with that but do not remember it.
All of this was in color and feelings.
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Post by sigmon2 »

that was yesterday, this morning I get this wake up call several time but with the exception I am going to lose one foster kid. Not good sleep...
So I am ok with one less. And everyone being ok. These wake up calls are tiring. Lol.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by sigmon2 »

One kid gone. I asked the doc questions about red blood cells breaking. And seeing extra white ones. Guess he thought I was nuts. But he did do a blood test anyway. Nice of him.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry