Husband has an affair dream one

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Husband has an affair dream one

Post by kbasmommy »

I hate these dreams for obvious reasons. This is the first of two dreams I had.

Here is my dream: it is very dark outside and I am in a really bad neighborhood by myself. I had just finished sitting at a hospital bedside with a child I don't recognize and I watched an angel take him to heaven.

I called my husband and a woman answers it is my dad's ex-girlfriend! She says "Sorry he wants to be with me now." Regarding my husband and I very calmly say "ok I understand" I hang up the phone because I can see her and I think she has a "lust spirit and a condalini spirit (not sure on spelling).So I call my dad immediately to tell him.

He is shocked and furious and I start screaming "why!" At the top of my lungs. I fall on the ground I'm grief and press my face against the pavement.

(((Sigh)))) end of dream I'll post second dream. Thanks in advance!
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Location: In the Spirit

Post by Newbie »

Hello KBAS, both dreams seem to be about strongholds and intense spiritual warfare. What I have noticed in both dreams is how you are battling. In both dreams you are emotional and confrontational; being led by the flesh versus being led by the Holy Spirit. To overcome in this battle and have a standard raised against the enemy, you need to put on your armor and raise up your Sword because the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
I highly encourage you to repent of any wrongdoing on your part and speak His word in this matter, use the authority by the power of Christ in this situation. I also urged you to ask the Holy Spirit if there is any legal action that needs to be taken and ask Him to show you what it is that you need to do.The Holy Spirit is given to help you and accomplish what you cannot do. The more you rest, the more He does. Some thoughts for our prayerful consideration!
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Post by kbasmommy »

Hey Newbie,

Thanks I will. Also, great point about legal action! I didn't think about that.