Spiritual warfare

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Spiritual warfare

Post by kbasmommy »

Hi, I would like to know how prophetic dreams and spiritual warfare tie together if at all. Over the years God has shown me many things that have come to pass but they are always painful things when it's about me or my family! (People dying, marriage problems, etc.) I am in turmoil and deeply grieved by those dreams and I pray that it does not happen trying to intercede and rebuke the enemy or I ask God to "cancel the assignments" of the enemy yet they still happen! For example When my brother passed I saw it but there was nothing I could do about it. Then I even had a dream showing me there was nothing I can do about it because God knew my heart and how I was thinking "why allow me to see it?".

When I was younger I was afraid to sleep because of this and I would try to stay up for days at a time because I don't want to see painful events to come. Is it just to lessen the blow when it happens? Or am I supposed to go into "spiritual warfare"? Now of course I thank God for allowing me to see things so I can be warned like before I was laid off The Lord allowed me to see it so I could start preparing, but I don't know if spiritual warfare is for prophetic dreams or not and if so what am I doing wrong?!
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Post by underhiswing »

I know how you feel and what you ask. It happens to me too. What I have come to understand is that He warns us to buffer the blow, and to call us to "do things" to prepare for what is coming (ie; seeing the loss of job, is a call to save $$ and get prepared.....or when the death of a loved one is looming we can pray for and prepare by doing things in this realm for those closest to them.....without coming right out and sharing it with them).

He also to calls us to intercede/pray/stand against the enemy. When we have done that, we can have "peace" that we did what we were called to do, and the rest is the Lord's.

There is nothing more difficult than to see something negative coming and feel helpless. But, when we pray and stand against the enemy, or pray and prepare....we are doing something very powerful via the Holy Spirit. The "knowing" requires real discernment as to what our roll in the coming event will be. "Discernment" maybe the topic to study, pray about, and ask for as an additional gifting.
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Post by kbasmommy »

Thank you so much I will. :-)
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Post by bjcollin »

wow, sorry I missed this topic during our DFW ice storm this past weekend. I am going to use something from a JPJ episode on TV... The gift of prophecy is like being a satellite dish receiver, you have the ability to receive information from the heavenly source. However, sometimes these events are set in stone and will come to pass no matter what you do (unconditional prophecy), and sometimes we can help change things (conditional prophecy)... sometimes what we see is given for us to pray (intercession) and to do spiritual warfare (fight against the unseen enemy). There are times when the Lord lets us receive information so that we can learn these skills and sharpen our gifts and abilities and sometimes it is just so we can get closer to Him and press into Him and to be prepared in advance for when something comes to pass. Hope this helps.
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Post by kbasmommy »

You are always so helpful! Thanks so much!