Is this a prayer of Jabez moment?

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Is this a prayer of Jabez moment?

Post by qbrown »

I dreamed I was at a service. There were people behind me as in a choir stand and I was up preaching because this pastor who looked like a pastor I know gave the service over to me. This gathering was predominantly caucasian people and I was speaking in this large meeting room at a beautiful resort of some type. The audience wasn't my usual audience in that it was prodominantly (caucasian people). There were a few of our members present but the dream focused more on the predominantly caucasian members who were the other pastor's members. There were people sitting behind me and then I could see people in a booth in front of me but at a distance because the room was so large.

Initially, I was going back and forth about what to preach but started preaching a message from Matthew 13:15: “For this nation’s heart has grown gross (fat and dull), and their ears heavy and difficult of hearing, and their eyes they have tightly closed, lest they see and perceive with their eyes, and hear and comprehend the sense with their ears, and grasp and understand with their heart, and turn and I should heal them.” As I was preaching the message I demonstrated the passage of scripture by holding my ears and eyes so they could see and understand what was meant.

The people however, were very disruptive. There was a lot of movement and bussling in the audience. The people were were walking and talking and leaving and when the Pastor of the church got up and left and a lot of his members (caucasian members) left as well....while I was still preaching. It was a very distracting, disruptive, noisey service but I never stopped preaching. I kept preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching and preaching. I saw the people doing all of this with my eyes but I kept preaching as if it weren't happening. While the others were doing all this moving a handful of the members (caucausian) stayed for the message as they moved up closer next to the ones who were already seated up front.

After the service ended my mother and I walked over to this trailer that was on the resort. As we walked to the trailer I noticed how beautiful the resort was. There was pretty lush green grass and beautifiul, colorful flowers, it was a beautiful day. When I opened the door to the trailer I saw two ladies that I know from another church in the trailer laughing. They were sitting on the leather seats of the trailer next to each other. I wondered to myself, “Why are you out here in this trailer instead of in the service?” When I opened the door they spoke to us and handed me two clear (trash bag size) bags of fresh raw meat of all kinds in freezer bags. These bags had all kinds of fresh meat in it. Every kind, every cut. It looked really good. In the dream I felt like it was meat that was left over from the meeting.

I asked one of the ladies if she had a place to put the meat and she said, “I don’t want it.” I was thinking that I didn’t want to freeze the meat because I had planned on cooking it later and didn’t want to have to wait for it to thaw out but I knew that I didn’t have space in my regular freezer. Then it was the like it dawned on me that I had room in my deep freezer so I said, “Give me the meat. I will put it in my deep freezer.”

The end
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Post by TamaraLynne »

I was drawn to this dream because I just checked out the book "The Prayer of Jabez" Years ago I owned the book but was sooo excited over what I read that I gave my book away to someone I thought needed it. Now it is as if I'm reading it for the first time. :)

The only part to your dream that shot out at me was the meat. I just learned that meat means doing the will of the Father and milk is learning as babes who are not ready quite yet to do Gods will. To put the meat in a freezer is to keep it fresh for another time when it is ready to be eaten. I'm sure many here see more in your dream :)
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Post by bella »

Hi Tamara Lynne I'm really curious about that teaching you refer to ... doing the will of God etc. Not sure where the teacher got that idea. Always judge all teaching against the bible and that's not what the bible says. Sorry to cause upset for you but I'm sure you want to know the truth. Milk is the foundations teaching of repentance from dead works and they laying in of hands etc. Meat is being skilful in the word of righteousness which is through faith in Jesus Christ (not our own righteousness). See Hebrews for discussion and explanations.

Its good news ... the best.
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Post by TamaraLynne »

I was talking about what Jesus said after he talked to the woman at the well. What he said about meat :) (((hugs)))
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Post by underhiswing »

Our God is a god of common sense, and wisdom. In our dreams, the Lord uses our personal common sense symbols to help deliver a highly personalized message directly to you. We humans have a tendency to complicate the meanings of our dreams in all kinds of ways and for all kinds of reasons. We often dream of things we cannot deal with in a straight forward conscious way, so our subconscious, and our Lord, reveal these issues to us while we are more receptive (sleeping).

Milk and meat were simply used by the Lord in the Word, to demonstrate that some people are at a certain level of being able to receive general understanding and some are at a level to take in the more complicated (in other words.. the deeper and more difficult to "chew on") things of God. You have heard it said before when someone is telling another person something complicated or difficult to accept...they will say "let me chew on that awhile". That is what the milk and meat really means. Milk represents the more simplistic and general things of God that can be more easily understood (digested). Babies cannot eat/chew/digest meat, but as they grow up they develop teeth and a digestive system that can take on (understand) the more complex food groups (the more complex things of God). We are all called to keep going, growing, and looking for the deeper things God has for us to learn and understand.

I feel like the Lord is showing you that there is a balanced viewpoint required, and that you should embrace the different levels of other people's abilities of receiving and understanding of the Word, (ie; not to preach over their heads and at the same time, to teach a bit of meat for those who are ready for it.). This would maintain as much of an attentive audience as is possible (which is the subjective goal of your dream)

The pastor gave the service over to you, and this could indicate that the Lord is giving you more responsibility, and with responsibility come more difficult lessons. You are preaching to those you are not normally called to preach to (and this may be a call to do just that) . But, I am curious to know if there is some "spiritual" prejudice or spiritual pride ["symbolized" by the Caucasian audience and "not" to be mistaken for racial issues] that you are not aware of in your heart that the Lord is revealing to you. He would have to reveal that to heal it, and then go forward.

While teaching and preaching (even informally) we have to remember at all times that people are at different levels of reception and understanding (milk that only needs to be drank and not chewed all the way up to the harder to chew meat) and that "all" are to be treated and looked upon with the same grace and loving tenderness. If there is any "looking down" or disappointedly upon others as "less than" or "negatively different in some small way ", the spirit and heart isn't quite right. There will always be hearers that will walk out, but who is to say that they have not taken His Word with them to chew on later. That is God's business. You were led to preach on the subject of "hearing" . And, that scripture would stir a persons heart, and at the same time can also be received as condemnation/conviction and this seems to match up with your possible internal division (which I will show later here) and reveal a misjudgment/misreading of your "out of your normal" audiences/hearers (Caucasian).

A trailer represents a temporary place to be in (spiritually and/or physically). You will not stay in this this lesson. You will perceived it.....grasp it....and you will move forward. The two women in the trailer and the two bags full represent division or double mindedness about these other believers/hearers (Caucasians). Finer details would become more clear, if you could share what each of those women "symbolize" to you. Your mother represents your higher (wiser) self, unless she is representing some aspect of her own personality (generous, selfish, angry, loving...etc.). You would also have to describe her if this is what you think she represents.

Your decision to put the meat away in a deeper preservative place in your mind and/or heart (deep freeze) puzzles me. I think "fresh" meat for us to eat daily is essential in those who are ministering.. However saving an over abundance of meat given to you by whatever these women symbolize, until the right time, could be demonstrating good discernment, or that there is much you are not yet ready to eat/chew. An over abundance of meat could also point to the need to share it with others, and not put it in a frozen state. But the double presence of the number two concerns me (2 women, 2 bags). It wont be clearer until we know what these 2 women and your mother represent in this dream.

The Lord has more to say on this dream, I am sure.
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Reply to underhiswing

Post by qbrown »

This is very interesting. Though I teach and preach and have been doing so for many many years I haven't "fully" embraced this aspect of my calling. I don't feel as qualified to do so. The Lord recently has given me a message to share that is "way" out of my comfort zone and again the feelings of qualification to teach such a message have come up. Either way, I obey what God asks me to do...whether I feel qaulified to bring the message or not because I know theoretically I am not qualified to speak any of His messages but what I know and what I feel when on assignment are two different things. I believe this dream is answering these feelings of inadequacy which is why it is so important to me. As a matter of fact I have been "way" out of my comfort zone all since March when it comes to preaching the specific messages God has asked me to bring forth.

The two ladies are women that I know personally who belong to a church my husband and grew up in over 14 years ago before we started pastoring. One of these ladies represent a Jezebel Spirit that I battled ferosiously against while attending this church. I had never in my life come up against such a spirit. The other lady represents a spirit of pride. But, what struck me about them was that they were sitting next to eachother laughing and they typically do not get along. My mother represents a woman of deep discernment and powerful intercessory prayer.
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Re: Reply to underhiswing

Post by underhiswing »

qbrown wrote: One of these ladies represent a Jezebel Spirit ......the other lady represents a spirit of pride. ....Evil coexisting and partnering in your arena and present you their kind of meat (division)...why do you think they are giving you this meat??And, why would you take it on, and try to preserve it??

My mother represents a woman of deep discernment and powerful intercessory prayer........ Perfect.....she represents the qualities that you need to have in order to deal with these two types of spirits. I don't think that because people are not listening, that it disqualifies you as a preacher or is just showing you some hurdles that have to be traversed yet along with wisdom and discernment that is still needed to be gained (those two qualities are continuously needed, no matter how long we have ministered to others...May He continue to confirm and show you what He wants you to see. Blessings!.