Traveling evangelists/pregnant with twins

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Traveling evangelists/pregnant with twins

Post by kbasmommy »

I dreamt my husband and I were flying (not by plane) literally flying to different places all over and sharing the gospel with people. We were assigned specific people and locations all over to fly to. I was able to see things about people and I told them things about themselves no one would know. My husband shared the gospel. We even went to churches. One place we flew to for a young girl she was in an abusive relationship with a young man. I looked at the young man and I knew he had been severely abused by his father. The young man was full of rage we were there. He knocked over chairs and yelled screamed at me. Her parents were there and they were very afraid of him. I did not tell him what The Lord had shown me about him instead I told my husband. My husband left me to go fly to his father and share the good news with his father.

I saw my husband sitting at a table with the boys father and His father got saved along with his friends all war veterans.

When he left I was alone with the young man who became the enemy.
He screamed at me and threatened me and wanted to hurt me so bad. He lunged at me but there was a protective field around me he could not penetrate. He yelled "I don't know why He protects you!" I yelled back "you can't touch me!" And he kept trying but could not.

New scene

We are at my friends baby shower and I am pregnant with twins. We brought our youngest son with us to the baby shower. My husband sits down on the couch I sit down on another couch near by and a very seductive woman sits down next to him almost in his arms. She keeps trying to seduce him. I don't want to say anything because I want to see if he will speak up. He says "I'm married" and gets up to leave. He tells my friend he had a nice time but the woman was very disrespectful.
As we are leaving I tell my friend I'm having twins and I see a calendar that shows all the months I had a menstrual cycle then a month when I missed my menstrual cycle but can't remember the months.

She said "Congrats" then "aren't you forgetting someone"? We went back to get our son sleeping on the couch.

End of dream

Thanks in advance God Bless
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Post by bjcollin »

Gifting's are prophetic/word of knowledge, and evangelist. Prophets and Evangelists working together as a wife/husband team for the Kingdom, awesome. You are protected from enemy attacks. Anywhere unforgiveness is being held onto, the enemy is allowed a foothold in the persons life. Temptation is always there, but can be resisted successfully. A double portion or an increase in anointing is in the future, but it is still in planted seed form and has not been born or brought forth yet. Don't neglect what you already have.

Just some thoughts.

in Christ,
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Post by kbasmommy »

Thanks for responding so quickly BJ! Awesome awesome dream! Very encouraging! The twin aspect is reoccurring. I think that is the third recent dream about twins. Gifts are also true in real life for us. Enemy has been attacking the marriage for years, now I see why. Word of knowledge is difficult because I'm not sure when it's from The Lord. Doubt comes in "is this really God?" Then it is confirmed later. For example I know we are moving out of state, but then I thought "it's probably some crazy idea." I let it go but didn't tell anyone. Then a friend told me she saw us moving in a dream then my husband had a dream we were moving and said he would consider moving out of state. Hasn't happened yet but I know it will. It was prophesied years ago hubby is a pastor. He teaches bible study now but isn't sure about the pastor part.