Dutch Sheets / Dutch Oven

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Dutch Sheets / Dutch Oven

Post by WingsofHealing »

Awoke about 3:30am
I was in a grocery or department store like walmart I think. I made my way to the back and came to the warehouse door which was maybe 20 feet tall by 15-20 feet wide. Either a warehouse man or Dutch Sheets which was in the store, said “You do know you can’t go in there, right?” I know…………. I asked Dutch how he was doing this day. He replied, something like this…….. It could be better, am in a place which is hard…….
I could discern his fatigue, just get this thing over with.
Then the warehouse worker brought out my office chair in which I was waiting for and he had attached the back of this chair (which was on rollers/casters), he screwed it on upside down, and it was my job to attach the back correctly.
Another dream right before I awoke about 6am.
I was preparing a mean for a LARGE group of people and though the meat, (I think was pork roast/steak), was done, I was looking for something to add to it (not a prepared mean, a on the spot meal, for all these people), I found some cans of corn and was going to add this, so as to make sort of a crock pot meal. I started looking for a pot large enough (dutch oven), and couldn’t find one.
I left and went out to buy one. I got to the order desk and (now this is interesting…… the counter where I walked up to was ever so old, maybe 40 years old. For the man sitting behind the window, you couldn’t see normally, but when you looked down, you could see his reflection in a glass/mirror like panel.) another woman walked up so as to order something and immediately another operator/worker helped her (not the same scenario, for she was normally seen, but not sure if she was actually behind the window, but maybe even out here, right next to us. (strange)………
When the guy helping me told me the price which was seventy _________ (not sure of the actual amount, for the paper/receipt he showed me was again old, and faint to see. I told him I needed to ask my husband before I could spend that amount of money, though I knew the church would probably pay for it, but I was worried that there was a dutch oven/pot and I just couldn’t find it. END WOKE UP
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.