the direction i am told to go does not exist

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the direction i am told to go does not exist

Post by thesharpeningstone »

In last nights dream, I was in my truck driving to my moms house. I approached the intersection where I need to make a left hand turn, but my signal light flashed right. I could not turn it off or switch it to left. I entered the turning lane, but a transport truck carrying oil stopped in the intersection, completely blocking my ability to turn.

My thoughts on the dream.

* There is no road to the right at this intersection.
* Driving a truck in my dreams, usually represents work.
* I think the oil truck represents the Holy Spirit.
* I have been thinking about moving closer to my moms home, depending on work in the area.
* Not being able to turn the signal light off, indicates a change is necessary

? How do I take the road to the right when there is no road?

Dream reminds me of Balaam and his donkey.

I shall hear a word behind me, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever I turn to the right or the left. (Isaiah 30:21)
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Post by underhiswing »

If the Holy Spirit is the oil truck blocking your way (and I think He is also) then no matter what things "look like" you can turn Right and it is God's will. Ask Him to lead you, give you discernment, and be obedient to what He guides you towards.

It is not in the direction of mom's house...that can be literal and/or symbolic.

The symbolic indication to the direction "right" (when it isn't literal) can indicate the holy/ordained/authorized direction in which He wants you to go. It is "the right way to go"...

May He bless you with clear direction and send you multiple confirmations along the way. Amen