Severed hand and body covered in mud only face exposed

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Severed hand and body covered in mud only face exposed

Post by Hannah »

In the dream I am watching my friend play football. He is carrying the ball and headed toward the end zone for a touch down. Just before scoring the TD he is taken down and all I can see is this black glove spinning across the ground.

I feel instant fear and pain as I think to myself, "please let it be just his glove.". Then something turns the glove and I am able to see the white bone and feel horrified as I realize his hand has been completely severed at the wrist.

The next scene he is being buried in mud to keep him comfortable until they (I don't know who they are) can reattach his hand. At this point all I can see is his face looking upward and he is smiling and peaceful. He doesn't look afraid or in pain - just waiting for his hand.

I woke suddenly from this dream and can't shake it, any spirit led thoughts greatly appreciated.

