Me, Steve (my late husband), and my 2 daughters all checked into a fancy hotel because I was out of town on work. They gave us a key to a room on the 9th or 10th floor ( I can't remember). We go to the floor and it was filthy; it was set up like a homeless tent city. We were expected to sleep in the hallway outside the rooms. There were torn blankets making tents and socks everywhere and it stunk. We tried to lay down and get some sleep but I just couldn't, so I got up and said I'm not doing this. We got all our stuff and started walking to the stairwell and Steve ran into someone he knew. Steve sat down and started talking to this person that he knew and one of my daughters, Jamie, sat down in the only other chair there. I was tired of standing, so I said give me the check in papers I am going to straighten this out. My youngest daughter, Angel, went with me. We walked down a flight of stairs and opened the door and it was just as filthy as the previous floor (at some point I saw an 8 written on what of the doors, I just don't remember when) so I closed the door and we went down another flight of stairs and I opened it and it was beautiful in there, so We started walking on that floor and my mom appeared by us. We got to a place where there was an employee station on the right and a small desk with a phone on the left. I went left to go call the front desk. My Mom went right to ask the employee if they had any office chairs for sale and the employee told her that there were a few left right outside. While I was talking to the front desk on the phone I was explaining that they had sent us to the 9 or 10th floor and trying to explain how filthy it was, but I wasn't sure if I was explaining it well enough. There were people around me that were listening to me talk and they said it's the 9th floor and it is pretty bad. Then the front desk operator said "Go ahead, you're doing good." as if she could read my mind and knew that I was not sure if I was explaining good enough or using the right words. At this point I looked up and could see outside and I saw a HUGE black tornado heading towards us (this tornado was extremely wide). I yell to my mom "tornado, call Steve and Adison (our son, 23yrs ago when we named him Adison, it was a boy name)." My Mom, Angel, and I took off running to the right. I started seeing more HUGE black rolling tornado's popping up. I think I saw 4. Then I realized they were just HUGE black balloons that were made to look like tornados. But the wind was still going crazy. We turned around and headed back where we came from but a Black Military plane landed in front of us, throwing dirt and debris everywhere. It ended up being between us and the hotel. The End
I get the impression this is about the military doing something and making it look like something else, but I know there are probably other things I'm missing.