Three Surgeons

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Three Surgeons

Post by August »

I dreamed that I was watching lots of things unfold; I remember three surgeons (no one could see me?) with phone cords (stretchy, spiral, pre-wireless phones) attached to their ear for communication. I thought wow this must be something new, then as I began to follow the surgeons, I had phone cords attached to me as well. The surgeons made a right turn into another corridor, I stopped, heard talking but couldn't understand the words.
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Post by discerning »

Hello, August. What I see here is intercession. The three surgeons represent the Godhead, together the Master Physician. The phone cords are the lines of communication. Note here that in a military unit, a surgeon is the chief medical officer and that intercession is one aspect of spiritual warfare. Intercessory prayer brings healing at the hand of the Master.

What stood out to me is that as you began to follow the surgeons, you had phone cords attached to yourself as well. I hear Himself saying to you, Press in and watch what I shall do. A sweet encouraging dream.


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Re: Three Surgeons

Post by underhiswing »

My thoughts are following each paragraph of yours;
August wrote:I dreamed that I was watching lots of things unfold; I remember three surgeons (no one could see me?) ......this is showing you that they were not of the same realm. They are healing messengers from the Lord.(three)

"with phone cords (stretchy, spiral, pre-wireless phones) attached to their ear for communication. I thought wow this must be something new", ...... I think this is a key component to the dream. You realized something old (tried and true) is still desired and useful. Land lines are more clear and reliable....this translates to your attention being needed to see that the direct reliable line to God is the best way....not through others (ie;cell phones via the air from various sources and satellites owned by many.)

"then as I began to follow the surgeons, I had phone cords attached to me as well. ...yes, this shows that you are, or can be directly connected to the Father yourself (not through an intercessor, prayer partner, or a priest....which are all good things, but you are being called to connect directly)

"The surgeons made a right turn into another corridor, I stopped, heard talking but couldn't understand the words.....Their message to you was delivered completely no need for further contact.
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Response & thanks to both of you

Post by August »

Thank you so much for spending time with this dream on my behalf; both interpretations register with my spirit....

Knowing that I have sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23), daily and have lots to learn, I recognize and have asked God for healing and restoration and wholeness as I have endured much pain over the last three years with ebbs and flows in intensity from parents, sibling, step-parent, step-sister, and husband. I felt as one shattered into many pieces, too broken to do anything more than take one day, no, one moment at a time. God forgive me for the pain that I have caused, surely I've caused pain for others too. I thank God for the sacrifice of his Son that endured so much more for me, even to the point of death for my sins.

I am a fan of technology but learned in 2013 that paper is best for me in many aspects and that it's okay. My communication is poor, there are times when I'm so drained and so apprehensive about receiving more bad news that I'd rather "stay away" if I'm not required to interact. With God's grace and mercy, I will no longer run away; but stand and communicate in a way that will make my Eternal Father proud that I belong to HIM.

I look forward to being put back together again in 2014.

Thank you again and may God bless you both!

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Post by underhiswing »

He is proud of you already. He has given you a direct line to Him. This is a very real gift given to you from Him, and that should be your focus so that you can stand and speak what He tells you to speak (which always brings peace and restoration)

What others think and feel about you are important, but they are only secondary to your connection with Him. He loves you and is pleased that you feel this sense of sin, as that is also a gift from Him. If you have sincerely and lovingly apologized for any pain you have caused another, you are not required or responsible for their continued struggle with what you had done. It is for the Lord to deal with them from that point on. Your name and your reputation is in His hands, and His control. He will restore, just as He did for Job.

Guilt and shame that lingers or does not bear restorative fruit is not from God, that is from the enemy or self, or both, and it is meant to keep you down and forlorn. Do not entertain thoughts of guilt or shame after you have asked for forgiveness, for that would be an act of disbelief of His word and promises. He said He forgives when we seek forgiveness and He even forgets. (Isaiah 43:25)"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more!!" When He forgives, He lifts you up and restores your connection/communion with Him (phone wire that is grounded and rooted in love for you and because of who He is as written in the scripture above)

John 10:10
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Let the Father take care of things now. You are directly connected to Him, and that is what He desires from you.
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Post by discerning »

You are very welcome and what a delight you are, sis! Sounds like you have been on a journey in recent years.

Just to clarify, what I sensed from your dream is that Himself is drawing you into intercession for others. Funny thing I have noticed in my own experience....Papa has a way of crossing our paths with those who are traveling down a road we have previously traversed (and vice versa - what blessings I have received from those who have gone before me!) You are an overcomer.

Papa has heard your prayers and has answered. I believe that your restoration will manifest as you minister to others who are now walking the path you have traveled. Watch and see. Be alert for opportunities and take care to keep the lines of communication open. Himself is surely directing your steps.

blessings in abundance,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17