merry Christmas, rapid growing baby

Archived Dreams from 2014
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merry Christmas, rapid growing baby

Post by chenya »

I only remember parts of this one from this morning.

I saw people standing in a row holding signs. Each one of them had a letter. They asked what does it say. It spelled Merry Christmas.

I was with Kelly, Liz and some others from church. Crystal had a baby that was only a week old. She gave it to me to hold. It started to cry. I calmed it down. It tried to grab my nose. I thought I want a baby. The baby then began to grow. It was now 4 ft tall. It had been to some miracle claiming class. I said I don't think that is what caused it. I told someone to go get miracle (Miracle is Crystal's sister IRL) or someone related to the baby. She came and said he shouldn't eat lettuce yet. I said he just grew suddenly. I had been showing the baby the snow out the window. We were a good distance from the window. I wondered if it's eyes were developed enough to see it. I told the baby you know what we do in the snow. I said when you are older we build snowmen and go sledding. He seemed excited.

I remember seeing a group of guys. Scott Light and Tony were there. They were all dancing and these two guys had fancy feet work. I was going to say hi to Tony. Was telling someone he is my cousin and I haven't seen him since we graduated. I was with Tif. Someone said you guys are the same size.

I was then with my mom. We were on our way back from Shelbyville. We saw a fancy blue car. We were then in Findlay walking downtown. I turned the corner and Shaun Noel is there with a remote control pumpkin. I said aahh I almost got ran over by a pumpkin. He said remember that vendor we liked. There were there. Guess there was some sort of festival going on. Shaun handed me a menu for this restaurant. He said you guys can eat here tonight. The coupon was in a pocket on the menu. It was a vendor selling something. Can't remember what exactly. Might've been candy or something. Peggy was then there. The coupon said $25 for 2...I think it was. Peggy said that's out of 100. Mom said yes. It's a good deal.

I was then at a truck. It was being charged by another truck. Zach said there is more paper towels inside. I got them out. There was another guy with us. He asked Zach if we were using this battery. I remember they then switched over to this trucks battery.