Church in a Museum

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Church in a Museum

Post by bjcollin »

I had this strange dream the other night that I just can't shake...

In the dream my wife and I were looking for a new church to attend. (IRL we have been doing this for the last year since moving to SA) We were visiting this church that was meeting in a conference room or auditorium of a museum. I have had past dreams over the years of the exploring the museum, which contained 2-3 levels and was set into a hillside, a very nice building. The exhibits in the museum contained mostly american history items or natural history items. In this particular dream which is new, we entered through the lobby and went downstairs toward the conference rooms or auditorium where the church was meeting at. When we got into the conference room, it was nicely decorated with golden colored curtains on the walls and there were quite a few people in the church. We took our seats and waited for the service to begin. After the service started, some time passed in the dream, and then when it was time for the pastor to get up and speak. The pastor was an older white haired gentleman who was seated only a few seats over from us. The pastor kind of reminded me of a Bob Jones or a Bobby Conner type of individual, but he was very informally dressed in what looked like grey PJs or a grey shirt with no sleeves in the dream and he just stood up and started teaching from his seat instead of teaching in the front of the auditorium. I don't remember what he taught on, but I seemed to remember that it was a pretty good message. The next part of the service was an open type of communion, where there were tables set up around the auditorium with the communion elements on them and you had to get up and go to the tables to take communion. The strange part of the dream that I can't seem to shake is that when I got to the communion table, there was no wine or grape juice there, but instead there was the jar of powdered kool-aid type of drink with a little scoop, small cups, water, and small pieces of bread. I think the idea was that we were to put a scoop of the powder into the cup, add water, and then use that for the communion with the bread. This really bothered me for some reason and I started having real problems trying to mix a cup. I tried several times unsuccessfully to mix the communion cup and I could not get it mixed right at all. The dream ended with my wife looking at me asking me where the communion elements were and I was still anxious trying to get something made.

Any ideas? The only idea I have so far is that it is not a real church and there is no power in the church as there is no communion blood for the forgiveness of sins as it is something that is being made from the fake powder. Thanks for any inputs.

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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by Starfire »

Considering the church was in a museum I'd say it was something that was perhaps valued, but a dead church (no longer truly in existence ...something , like a museum, that we visit to remember what it used to be like). The minister in the seat in his PJs wouldn't bother me, but I do think you are right that he is to represent the authority of the church. The koolaid would bother me as well because to me it symbolizes that we can each "make" that which covers our sins. Not that people don't make wine or grape juice, but to have a mix that you do yourself just brings to mind that we ourselves have the power to "cover" our sin.
It is not IN our hands, it is in HIS and the representation of HIS BLOOD is to be reverenced, not an "instant fix". The authority of the church is to be respected. Like the museum, all this was a "simulation" of what the church was thought to be like.
Sort of like that place in FL where they redo the times of Jesus. The difference is you go there KNOWING it is a is not being passed off as the "real thing"

Perhaps I'm way off base, I'm just sharing my immediate reaction.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by bella »

The other thing that came to my mind was "don't drink the Kool Aid". Reference to that Jones massacre.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by bjcollin »

thank you for the replies
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by PastorJKG »

I agree with Starfire. The Church in a museum focusing on past history represents were most churches are today. Looking backwards rather than forwards by faith. The Pastor sitting among the laity not truly taking the proper seat of authority. We need Pastors who can truly lead in spiritual matters without being a dictator. Cool aid communion. The Blood of Jesus is so key and essential to our faith and there seems to be such an attack on it these days. Our modern society is obsessed with blood and gore from Hollywood but want nothing to do with the pure blood of Christ which redeems the soul. Sinners are being indoctrinated into a form of godliness that denies the power to make new, filling up churches, getting on boards because they are good business people, and then voting out or against anything of truth. They have their excuses and justify all their sins and tell you not to judge them. This dream I believe reveals three areas of trouble and need within the modern church.

Hope this helps
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by bjcollin »

I've helped so many others start churches over the years... I have always wondered if I ever had it in me to be the pastor and start a church. Maybe I am so picky in visiting churches these last few years that I just can never seem to find the right one or the right pastor to get behind and help. I have always had a servants heart and I have always wanted to see the church become all she should be and I would never want to start yet another church of the ineffective status quo. I won't move forward without God moving forward.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by Hope in Christ »

Hi BJ. this seems to be a common topic that the Holy Spirit is bringing to God's children as of late. A warning to not believe everything people are saying, or "all that glitters is not gold".
Agreeing with everyone. The thing that stood out to me was the mixture, and the man in the pajamas, "asleep perhaps . Peace in Jesus to you brother.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by Hope in Christ »

One more thing BJ. It has been an huge encouragement to me personally, when you have responded to others, as the Holy Spirit has led you. It has always lined up with sound biblical teaching.
I love the scripture, I will keep him in perfect peace , whose mind is stayed on Me.
If i lose my peace, i go back to were I lost it, through prayer, and reading His precious living word. He is always faithful.
okay, said enough, sorry!
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by Starfire »

Just thought as I reread this...pjs.....even the leaders are either asleep (sleep walking) or ready for BED,...
members encouraged by comfort and convenience above discipline and authority.
I, too, can add my voice to the person who has said how encouraging & biblically sound your replies have been BJ.
I am praying right now that the Lord gives you the clarity you need as for how to best serve Him.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by bella »

Hi Brian, I thought of you yesterday as I was having a conversation with someone at work. He made reference to a person who "drank the Kool-Aid". The context was that a person joined a group with the intention that they would do things differently from this "corrupt" group but once they joined this group, instead of making a difference, they drank the Kool-Aid and became just like the rest of them.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by bjcollin »

Scary thought. At least in my dream I couldn't get the koolaid to work.

I also had a different similar themed dream last night where I was in a this older church type of place with dorms attached in the back and at the end of the dream the visiting leaders who were really evil attacked the church forcing the people that were there to drink out of a cup while they were hypnotized then only I saw that it really was a gun they were putting in their mouths to kill them. I fought back hard physically against them when the dream ended I was not affected by their hypnotic tricks or by them trying to restrain me.
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Re: Church in a Museum

Post by bella »

I think is about the state of the church generally (??) A lot of people are thinking that the people leading their churches are all OK because they're "christians" but it's not necessarily so. A lot of people in the church aren't really christians and don't always have others' best at heart. It takes discernment without paranoia and the ability to hear God to be able to see what's really going on.

When we drink, we do that to refresh and refill. Someone usually provides that for us in church in the form of a sermon or words or whatever. But your dream indicates that it's actually a form of mind control. The purpose of a gun in the mouth is to blow someone's brain out. Remove their ability to think and in their mouth inhibiting their ability to speak up.

What sort of "leaders" were they? Church leaders, political leaders? I assume church leaders.

The fact that there were dorms attached to the church suggests that there's an intention for people to sleep there too.

My best friend deceived me. I trusted her so I believe what she told me and acted on what she told me. A year later, God said to me, she had that event planned (where it looked innocent), and what was really happening. I was so upset to think my best friend could do that to me. That someone who claimed to be an honest person and a christian and my best friend, could do that to me. After that event, I told God He MUST warn me at the time. Not show me what happened one year on. We all need to pray that way at times. It's so easy to be tricked because we inadvertently become complacent about evil when we know we belong to one who has no evil in Him.

If I get anything more, I'll share.