took a bath with elephant

Archived Dreams from 2015
Diamond Member
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took a bath with elephant

Post by spiritledd »

i took a bath with elephant at childhood home ...i felt sorry for it because it had to stay in there all the time had a baby and the baby got out and ran and jumped up on couch ...then we were on a rescue helicopter and i saw a mountain lion that was crying because it was so cold was sad the look on its face would break your heart ...we landed and picked it up ...woke hearing AC/DC Long Way To The Top (if you wanna rock and roll) ...i dont listen to any of that old secular music that was demonically inspired
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Re: took a bath with elephant

Post by Starfire »

You have a wounded or vulnerable side, an expected sadness that will make any positive experience not quite
"reaching the top of your JOY" Your compassion for animals is quite touching and the way you went out of your
way due to *their* sadness, tells me that you relate to that level of sadness & they are likely reflecting your own
experience. You feel more qualified to help them (others) than to help yourself, but the root of your need goes
back to your childhood experiences where perhaps you loved and totally trusted/had fun with someone who was
"larger than life" to you. They were somehow confined (within their own limitations or perhaps financially or
physically and had difficulty and sadness. You brought joy to their minimalistic existance.
You are going back because a part of you now feels similarly and you want to get some idea as to where these
belief systems originated. Are they ancestral traits you may be experiencing? You are now an adult and must
learn where your true source of rejuvenation comes from (relationship with Christ). He can assist you in examining
your childhood vulnerabliities and show you new ways of coping. I believe all the animals in the dreams represent portions
of who you are...there's a part that wants to play in the tub, a part that wants to leap out & jump on the sofa.
You feel confined, want to make some changes, need to have the RIGHT relationship FIRST and that comes only through
loving Jesus & trusting in him to take you through old pain and bring you through to healing and understanding.
Something tells me that even if you felt free, you'd still stay,, as these animals are your "family".
You just need a way to compassionately be with them and not let your deepest wounds and fears get triggered in the process.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit excel at this help.

Or perhaps I'm totally off the is 4:30AM here.
God Bless and Guide YOU
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm

Re: took a bath with elephant

Post by spiritledd »

thank you very much Starfire ...this is good ...gonna reflect on it and pray