Mickey Mouse Coffee Dream

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Mickey Mouse Coffee Dream

Post by gapeachntn »

I dreamed this morning that my son and I were in this house and a man who I thought would be my husband since I was a child was in it. He and the actor Anthony Anderson left the house together in a car and the man I'm referring to was the driver. My son asked where they were going and I said I didn't know but they will be back. Sure enough they returned. When they did, I was sitting in a chair and the gentleman I'm talking about, came over and served me a latte, coffee or an espresso in a mug and made an intricate image of Mickey Mouse with the foam in the cup. At that time, I tickled his side and began to laugh and I woke up. If you have any thoughts, please share them. Thank you so much and have a Merry Merry Christmas.